Instructor Notes

This Pressbook is a companion Pressbook to “Laboratory Manual for Introduction to Physical Geography, Second Edition” that provides instructor notes, including: the intention of the lab author(s), details on prior student knowledge requirements, guides on running lab exercises, and notes on assessment for each of the labs. They are intended for instructors ONLY.

Do NOT share the information contained within with students. If it gets widely distributed to students, the labs will have to be changed.

These instructor notes are password protected. If you have the password, please do NOT share it with students, teaching assistants*, via any online platform, etc.

*if you wish to provide your teaching assistants with anything from within the instructor notes, please export, or copy and paste, the material and share that (with the requirement that it is for their eyes only).

If you are an instructor and need the password, you can request access to the password via the B.C. Open Collection:

  1. Find Laboratory Manual for Introduction to Physical Geography in the B.C. Open Collection.
  2. Scroll down to “Restricted Materials” and find “Instructor Notes.”
  3. Click the “Request access” link and fill out the form.
  4. BCcampus will verify that you are instructor and send you a text file that contains the password to access the instructor notes.


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Instructor Notes: Laboratory Manual for Introduction to Physical Geography, Second Edition Copyright © 2021 by Saoirse MacKinnon; Chani Welch; Katie Burles; Crystal Huscroft; Nina Hewitt; Gillian Krezoski; Andrew Perkins; Leonard Tang; Terence Day; Craig Nichol; Todd Redding; Allison Lutz; Ian Saunders; and Fes de Scally is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.