
7. Socio-Economics in British Columbia

References and Resources


Census Canada Directory 2011 http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2011/ref/dict/index-eng.cfm

Demographia 2014 10th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey 2014, Rating for Metropolitan Markets

Gaetz, S. Donaldson, J., Richter, T., & Gulliver, T. (2013). The state of homelessness in Canada 2013. Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness

Gregory, D., Johnston, R., Pratt, G. Watts, M.J., and Whatmore, S. 2009 The Dictionary of Human Geography Malden and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell

Hutton, T.A., 2004. Post-industrialism, Post-modernism and the Reproduction of Vancouver’s Central Area: Retheorising the 21st-century City. Urban Stud 41, 1953–1982. doi:10.1080/0042098042000256332

Hulchanski, D.J. 2009. “Homelessness in Canada: Past, Present and Future”. Growing Home: Housing and Homelessness in Canada. Calgary, Alberta: University of Calgary.

Knox, P.L. 1975. Social well-being: a spatial perspective. Oxford: The Clarendon Press.

Mitchell, D. 2003 The Right to the City: social justice and the fight for public space. New York: Guilford Press

Smith, D.M. 1973. The geography of social well-being in the United States: an introduction to territoral social indicators. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Statistics Canada 2006 http://www12.statcan.ca/census-recensement/2006/as-sa/97-563/tables-tableaux-notes-eng.cfm

Takahashi, L.M., 1996. A decade of understanding homelessness in the USA: from characterization to representation. Prog Hum Geogr 20, 291–310. doi:10.1177/030913259602000301





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British Columbia in a Global Context Copyright © 2014 by Arthur Green, Britta Ricker, Siobhan McPhee, Aviv Ettya, Cristina Temenos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.