
Applying GITCS© to Learning Activities

Now it’s time to practice! In this section you will learn about an interactive video that allows you to practice using the scale and answer questions built into the video that relate to your knowledge about therapeutic health communication.

Potential Uses

  1. The interactive video allows for practice for learners/participants to prepare for the virtual gaming simulation (VGS) in chapter 3.
  2. This exercise allows practice using GITCS©  for future use reflecting on one’s own client-patient interactions and assessment of practice and improvement overtime.
  3. After observing an interaction in this video and using the scale for peer review and evaluation, learners/participants will be prepared for other observations.

Clear communication within healthcare settings can be difficult across professions and disciplines. The GITCS© tool provides an opportunity for the learners to participate in a practice session using the GITCS© tool to enhance learners’ observational skills. The learner will review the GITCS© and apply this tool to the practice video by observing a public health nurse interacting with an older adult at a home visit.  Within the interactive video, multiple choice questions, specific to sections of the tool are embedded. Learners’ understanding of health communication is tested with a variety of questions. While observing the interactions within the video and answering the questions posed, the learner can use the tool to score the responses of the nurse. Participants can download a score to share with faculty if desired.

There are several purposes to this interactive video. First, it allows learners to become familiar with the scoring tool and its different areas for scoring. Next, the embedded questions will test students’ knowledge of health communication and refer them back to sections of the tool. The learner may go through the interactive video several times and practice scoring before proceeding to the GITCS© Virtual Gaming Simulation. This practice interactive video with embedded testing provides insight into the learner’s observational skills to identify therapeutic from non-therapeutic relationship skills with individuals who access health and social care professionals.

The communication styles within the interactive video and the GITCS©-Virtual Gaming Simulation (VGS) represent real-life examples, which provide a starting point for novice health and social care providers and a refresher for those in practice. The interactive video practice session allows learners to self-evaluate their observational skills of therapeutic communication. The VGS allows learners to choose options for interacting. Both experiences can encourage learners to reflect on their own practice and consider other ways of communicating with individuals whom they interact with in a professional manner. Reflection on previous interactions may assist learners to consider positive aspects of their communication and areas they can strengthen in future interactions. Multiple-choice questions throughout the game, build on the learners’ knowledge and may provide a starting point for the learners’ reflective practice.

Interactive Communication Video

In this interactive communication video, the assessment is of the individual playing the role of the health care professional. The 28-item GITCS© scale was developed to assess client-patient-provider communication during an interaction. To download a copy to use alongside this video click here. You can also download a PDF once you begin the video.

Word cloud description of GITCS https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/gitcs/wp-content/uploads/sites/1193/2020/11/Word-cloud-GITCS.jpg



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Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale©-Interactive Text Copyright © 2022 by Suzanne Hetzel Campbell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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