
Questions & Answers about the GITCS Interactive Text, Video, and Assessment Instrument

Why was the GITCS-Interactive Text and Virtual Simulation Game (VGS) created?

The Interactive Text and VGS were created as learning resources to guide interprofessional health and social care disciplines on the best practices for communicating therapeutically. These learning resources provide an opportunity for students to learn more about therapeutic communication as well as practise applying the GITCS 28-Item Assessment Instrument to a variety of interprofessional social and health care interactions.

Please note: Students who first complete the GITCS Interactive Text [Link Here] and then play the VGS Interactive Video [Link Here] have a greater understanding of therapeutic communication and are able to use the 28-Item assessment tool more effectively.

What is the GITCS 28-Item Assessment Instrument and why was it created?

The GITCS 28-Item Instrument was developed to offer a reliable assessment tool that professionals and students in the social and health sciences can use to evaluate their own therapeutic communication skills. This tool may also be used to evaluate other individuals to determine if therapeutic communication exists when they interact with their clients or patients. For your convenience, the GITCS 28-Item Assessment Tool is available in a downloadable English Version and in a printable French-Translated Version.

Which browsers are compatible with the GITCS-VGS?

The game is compatible with Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. The program does not operate well on a mobile device—we recommend that you use a personal computer (PC).

What is the website’s time-out period for inactivity?

The game does not have a time-out setting for inactivity. You can take your time completing the game—the game can be paused. When answering questions, if you do not choose the best answer, you will be given the option of reviewing the video again before selecting another answer for the multiple-choice question.

Does the GITCS-VGS save any of my game choices?

The game does not auto-save. There is no way to recover any lost work. If you choose to leave or quit the game, or if there are any connection or networking issues, the game will automatically restart to the beginning.

Can I stop the game and come back to play it later?

The full game must be played in one session—however, the game can be “paused” and there is “no time-out setting” for inactivity. You can take your time completing the game. The game will automatically restart to the beginning if you choose to exit, have connection problems, or if you refresh the page.

Does the GITCS-VGS save any of my personal information?

No, the game does not require any of your personal information— it does not save any of your personal information.

Please note: If you complete the survey and then choose to interact or post details on social media about the survey, this action may associate you publicly with the study.

What happens if there is a glitch or problem with the Interactive Video?

Some issues with the game have been reported, but it seems that these issues are not specifically related to the game itself but to a user’s local network provider. We recommend that you use a personal computer (PC) for the best gaming experience. Currently, the game does not always operate well when played on a mobile device. If you are experiencing glitches or other problems with the video game, please consider exiting and then coming back to the game.

How long does it take to complete the GITCS-VGS Interactive Video?

The video game could  take between 20 to 50 minutes to complete. After finishing the game, you will be invited to participate in a survey in order to provide feedback on your experience. Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary, and should take about 5 minutes to complete. If you choose to voluntarily participate in the survey, you will be able to share your thoughts and experiences as well as leave suggestions and questions.

Are there any abbreviations included in the GITCS-VGS?

Yes, the VGS uses the abbreviations “SHCP” and “CLT”.

  • SHCP refers to Student Health Care Provider.
  • CLT refers to CLient-Patient.

What is the purpose of the GITCS-VGS and what is my role?

Prior to playing the VGS, it is essential that you complete the accompanying free GITCS Interactive Text [Link Here] before you begin the VGS. The Interactive Text provides students with resources for a better understanding of therapeutic communication as well as the proper application and use of the GITCS 28-Item instrument (tool).

GITCS-VGS is a foundational interprofessional game designed to provide direction and information on therapeutic communication for a variety of health and social care disciplines. In the game, the GITCS 28-Item tool is used to ensure that therapeutic communication is executed effectively and meets the needs of the client (patient).

Your role is to be a player, an active participant, and a learner, specific to your social or health care discipline. There are five distinct interactions between the SHCP [you] and the CLT [whose name is Priya]. A multiple-choice question will appear after each interaction. You will need to choose the best response for each of the multiple-choice questions. Once your choice has been made, an answer will be provided along with an explanation. If your answer is not the best response, you will have a chance to view the interaction again and then choose a other answer.

After playing the game, do I have to participate in the survey?

No, you are not required to complete or participate in the survey after the game. Participation in the survey is completely voluntary. Your instructor will not be aware if you have or have not completed the survey. There will be no consequences that will negatively affect your grade or progress in your course program if you decide not to complete the survey. Please follow up with your faculty member if you have any further questions.

Are there any problems that may occur while playing the GITCS-VGS game?

In the VGS game, the client-patient [CLT] receives a newly diagnosed case of hypertension, and some of their own personal experiences with this condition are revealed. Potentially, the game may be a trigger for anyone who has had a similar experience as the CLT.

Important: Please be aware of your own reactions and feelings. Should you be uncomfortable during the game, please stop playing the game and consider reaching out to your faculty member or counselor at your institution for guidance. In addition, consider sharing your feelings “anonymously” via the survey at the end of the VGS. The survey’s feedback will assist us in handling the needs of those who have triggered responses. Please follow up with your faculty member if you have any further issues or questions.

In Appendix A there is a video titled “Medical History Interview”. This video contains discrimination-related themes that might lead viewers (and students) to experience an emotional response, which may be disturbing for some viewers—Viewer Discretion is Advised.

Important: Please be aware of your own reactions and feelings. Should you be uncomfortable with the video, please stop the video and consider reaching out to your faculty member or counselor at your institution for guidance. In addition, consider sharing your feelings “anonymously” via the survey at the end of the VGS. The survey’s feedback will assist us in handling the needs of those who have triggered responses. Please follow up with your faculty member if you have any further issues or questions.

How are gender, diversity, and inclusion addressed by the GITCS-VGS?

  • Gender-neutral pronouns were added to the game.
  • The game gives students the option of selecting their own preferred voice tone.
  • The main character in the game, Priya (CLT), is a member of a diverse group, and their ethnicity and background were incorporated into the game.
  • The research and development team consists of a wide variety of individuals from diverse backgrounds and interprofessional disciplines.
  • Due to the short length of the video, Priya is not shown being asked about their gender preference. However, Priya’s pronoun preference was added into their record.
  • To date, the GITCS-28-Item Assessment Tool has been translated into French, Portuguese, and Korean languages.

Please Note: We acknowledge that gender, diversity, and inclusion were briefly addressed in the five short interactions between the client-patient and the health-social care provider. Any suggestions or recommendations on how to make our language more inclusive for people of all identities, would be much appreciated. Please consider leaving your comments, feedback, and any recommendations you may have in the survey offered at the end of the VGS.

We offer the following resources in order to address these important topics and provide a forum for discussion:

      1. Indigenous Foundations 1
      2. Anti-Racism Awareness Free Online Course 2
      3. Sexual Orientation Gender Identity (SOGI)—for Students 3
      4. Gender Diversity 4
      5. Respectful Environments, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI) 5

Is there anything else I need to know about GITCS-VGS?

It is essential that individuals first complete the accompanying free Interactive Text [Link Here] prior to playing the VGS interactive video. Individuals will be better prepared for the VGS and have a better understanding of therapeutic communication as well as how the GITCS 28-Item instrument is applied if they first complete the Interactive Text.

The VGS is a relatively short interactive video. It was created to be used in
conjunction with the GITCS 28-Item instrument across a wide range of social and health care fields. The goal is for individuals to use the video and tool together in order to assess and choose the therapeutic communication approach that best meets the needs of the client-patient.

After you complete the Interactive Text and Video, a faculty member (from your health or social care discipline) may elect to further discuss therapeutic
communication with your class/cohort or may elect to begin a discussion about client-patient education, treatment plans, self-reflection, and/or obtain feedback from you about your experience and thoughts.

Please note: Faculty members are not required to do a follow-up with students. Each social or health care discipline will determine if a discussion is needed or whether a follow-up is necessary after the Interactive Text and Video; there is no requirement for faculty to have a follow-up or discussion.

Are there any conflicts of interest?

The University of British Columbia Open Education Resource Implementation Grant provided assistance and funding for these initiatives. None of the authors or
researchers associated with these three initiatives have any perceived or potential conflicts of interest.

1 First Nations & Indigenous Studies, & UBC. (2009). Welcome to Indigenous foundations. https://indigenousfoundations.arts.ubc.ca/home/
2 UBC Faculty of Education. (2021). Anti-Racism awareness online course. https://pdce.educ.ubc.ca/anti-racism-awareness/
3 CASN. (2023). Sexual orientation gender identity nursing (SOGI) modules for
students. https://soginursing.ca/index.php/modules/students/
4 UBC Equity & Inclusion Office. (2023). Gender diversity. https://equity.ubc.ca/resources/gender-diversity/
5 UBC Faculty of Medicine. (2023). Respectful environments, equity, diversity &
inclusion (REDI).https://redi.med.ubc.ca/ 



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Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale©-Interactive Text Copyright © 2022 by Suzanne Hetzel Campbell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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