
GITCS Virtual Gaming Simulation – Play the Game

Welcome learners, you are now ready to enter the Virtual Game Simulation for Communication. The team who created this activity spent a lot of time considering how to present this experience in a way that, regardless of your discipline, you would be able to picture yourself as the student health care provider (SHCP) meeting a client-patient for the first time. We situated this in a beginning context to allow you to act independently to set up a relationship between yourself (the practitioner) and the client-patient you are meeting for the first time. In this virtual game simulation (VGS), you will be able to meet the client, but the actor playing the role of the student health care provider (SHCP) will not be visible. We hope that you will be able to envision yourself in the role of student health care provider. You will have a choice for a higher or lower pitched voice for a more realistic experience.

Virtual Gaming Learning Objectives

By the end of the VGS the learner/participant will meet the following:

  1. Select communication responses that promote rapport building within the client-provider relationship. [Setting the stage; Building Trust]
  2. Utilize effective communication skills during a client-provider interaction. [Active communication skills; Communication skills]
  3. Respond to client concerns using a client-patient-centered and trauma-informed practice approach. [Client-Patient-centered; Avoiding potential barriers]

There are specific guidelines to prepare individuals to interact with Virtual Gaming Simulations, especially when the expectation is that it will be done independently and asynchronously (without the availability of faculty, facilitator, or resources). As part of the chapters of this text we have provided you with opportunities for prebriefing through the reading of the text, resources, and by using an interactive video that guides you through the use of the GITCS©. The VGS you are about to interact with will be managing a client-patient who is newly diagnosed with hypertension and is being evaluated for heart health risks. If you or a family member has an experience in this area, this VGS could be a trigger for a reaction to the experience. Please monitor your own reactions and feel free to reach out to your faculty, the research team contact for your institution or institutional counselors. You may also contact the PI, Dr. Suzanne Campbell. It would be valuable to share with someone on the team, or anonymously via the survey at the end of the VGS, how we might better meet your needs if this triggered a response.

Foundational Communication Game

Invitation to participant in providing feedback on this resource and virtual gaming simulation

We are collecting data to get feedback on the three chapters and the game as this resource is newly launched. Thank you for considering participating. The consent form is located at the beginning of the survey. Link to the Survey https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3lVvHwhrWbuQxsa

If you are interested in assessing your communication during or after the VGS, here is a Link to GITCS© [download pdf from ResearchGate, e.g. use after game to reflect on the choices you made for communication] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331535581_GITCSC_28-item_Scale

For an explanation of your GITCS© scoring options, please see Chapter 1



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Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale©-Interactive Text Copyright © 2022 by Suzanne Hetzel Campbell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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