
Scoring Using GITCS©

The GITCS© scale was initially intended for ‘formative’ rather than ‘summative’ application  – as each skill tends to be unique and the participant, or learner, may do well in one encounter but need to develop or change the same skill or approach in another interaction. The hope is that the participant or learner will eventually be able to concentrate on communication-related areas that require their attention and improvement.

Learners/participants will notice that an analog scale has been included at the bottom of the instrument from 10 – extremely therapeutic communication to 0 – non-therapeutic communication. The research team has found in testing and using the scale that an analog score is quite similar to the general “average” results of the items answered on the GITCS© scale.

Another way to examine scores is to calculate percentages within the five-point Likert-type scale. The calculation for an average score is determined by adding the sum total of all the answered questions (those that are not relevant, not applicable, are worth only zero, thus not counted) and divide by the number of answered questions to get a number between 1 and 5. In this way, because the barriers to communication are reverse scored, a score of 1-1.9 is non-therapeutic, 2-2.9 is somewhat therapeutic, 3-3.9 is mostly competent, 4-5 is very competent with therapeutic communication.

When performing an assessment using GITCS© in a communication scenario, circle the number which represents your response for each behaviour listed on the scale.

Descriptor Rubric
(1) Never do not see the behavior described and expected for the interaction observed
(2) Rarely happens once but not again (if appropriate/required) (e.g. introduction may happen once and be considered “always”, listens and answers questions may happen 1 out of 5 times)
(3) Sometimes happens more than once but not consistently – (example: expect explanation of actions each time, and happens 2 out of 5 times)
(4) Usually happens most of the time – (example expect verification of comprehension each time teaching is done, and happens 3 out of 5 times)
(5) Always consistently does the behavior as expected Not applicable – behavior not expected for interaction observed (e.g. does not ask permission to touch because is not doing any procedures)
Global Measure of Therapeutic Communication – Analog Scale

Highest possible score = 170

Lowest possible score = 34

Reverse scored: items 26, 27, & 28

    1. Sum
    2. Average out of 5
    3. By section – formative over time
    4. Summative – improvement over time
    5. Analog scale – 0 = Non-therapeutic and 10 = Highly therapeutic.

Media Attributions

  • GITCS Global Score


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale©-Interactive Text Copyright © 2022 by Suzanne Hetzel Campbell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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