

Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale© (GITCS©) Interactive Text  – 1st Canadian Edition, 2022

This open access textbook is intended to guide best practices in communication in the context of interprofessional health and social care disciplines. The resource addresses therapeutic communication and interviewing, and assessment of communication between client-patient and providers. This resource is designed for students in health and social care programs and practitioners desiring a review and an option to evaluate themselves. The project is supported and funded by the University of British Columbia Open Education Resource Implementation Grant.


Level of Organization

Chapter 1: Introduction to Therapeutic Communication with InterProfessional Lens

Chapter 2: Incorporating Interprofessionals – Development and Implementation

Chapter 3: Virtual Gaming Simulation H5P


About the Editors/Authors

Suzanne H.Campbell, PhD, FCNEI, RN, CCSNE, IBCLC, Professor, The University of British Columbia-Vancouer (UBC-V), Faculty of Applied Science, School of Nursing, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Kymberley Bontinen, MSN, CHSE, CCSNE, RN,  (UBC-V), Faculty of Applied Science, School of Nursing, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Lee-Anne Stephen, MN, RN (University of the Fraser Valley-UFV), School of Nursing, Associate Professor, Fraser Valley, B.C., Canada


About the Authors

Dr. Natalia del Angelo Aredes, PhD, RN, Professor, School of Nursing (Federal University of Goias, Brazil), Goias, Brazil

Arleigh Bell, MN, MEd, RN, (Thompson River University-TRU), School of Nursing, Assistant Faculty Professor, School of Nursing, Okanagan, B.C., Canada

Yujin Lim, MSN, RN (Langara College), School of Nursing, Faculty Instructor, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Dr. Barbara Lee, PhD, MSW, BSW, BA (UBC-Vancouver), School of Social Work, Assistant Professor, Director of Center for the Study of Services to Children and Families (UBC-V), Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Ranjit Kaur Dhari MN, RN (UBC-Vancouver), School of Nursing, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Ana Erhardt, MSN, BSN, CCSNE, RN, (UBC-V), Volunteer Researcher – Contingent worker for Dr. Suzanne H. Campbell, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Thayanthini Tharmaratnam, MSN, RN, (UBC-V, Alumni), Vancouver, B.C., Canada


GITCS Research Team

Publications on Testing GITCS© – Research Team: Reliability and validity testing and feasibility testing – references below. Campbell & Aredes, 2019; Campbell et al., 2022.

Campbell, S. H., Aredes, N. D. A., Bontinen, K., Lim, Y., DuManoir, C., Tharmaratnam, T., & Stephen, L. (2022). Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale© short form (GITCS©): Feasibility testing in Canada. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 65, 7-17. (Link)

Campbell, S. H., & Aredes, N. D. A. (2019). Global interprofessional therapeutic communication scale© (GITCS©): Development and validation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 34, 30-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecns.2019.05.006  (Link)[Request from Suzanne at ResearchGate]

Campbell, S. H., Aredes, N.D.A., & Dhari, R. (2018). Teaching and evaluating therapeutic communication in simulated scenarios. In S. H. Campbell & K. Daley (Eds.), Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Educators: Making it REAL (3rd ed.). (pp. 27-36). New York, N.Y.: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.

Campbell, S. H., Bontinen, K., duManoir, C., Lim, Y., Stephen, L., Tharmaratnam, T., & Aredes, N.D.A. (2018). Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale© (GITCS©): A tool to prepare the next generation of nurses for patient engagement through therapeutic communication. CASN Notes on Nursing Scholarship Newsletter, 1(3), 15-16.  https://www.casn.ca/2018/07/notes-nursing-scholarship/  https://www.casn.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Notes-on-Nursing-Scholarship-Nov-2018-SB.pdf

Contact Person
Dr. Suzanne H.Campbell, PhD, FCNEI, RN, IBCLC, CCSNE
Professor, UBC-Vancouver, Faculty of Applied Science | School of Nursing
Email:  suzanne.campbell@ubc.ca
Phone: 1-604-822-7748 [voice messages will be forwarded to email]




Margaret Verkuyl, NP, PHC, MN, Centennial College and University of Toronto, Professor and Adjunct Lecturer, School of Nursing, Ontario, Canada

Advisory Team Members:

Carrie Krekoski, RDH, BDSc., MEd, UBC-V, Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Dentistry

Colleen Brady, HBSc(Bio), BSc(Pharm), RPh, UBC-V, Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Janice Moshenko, MSc (Pharm), BSc (Pharm), UBC-V, Associate Professor of Teaching, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Colleagues Who Provided Feedback on the Pilot

Margaret Moss, PhD, JD, RN, FAAN, UBC-V — Associate Professor, UBC SoN, DEI, Director First Nation House of Learning, Indigenous Centre for Excellence, School of Nursing

Melanie Willson, MPH, BSN, UBC-O — Assistant Professor of Teaching, Perinatal Specialty, School of Nursing

Kelly E. Allison, MSW, RSW, UBC-V—School of Social Work, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Chair of Field Education Arts

Kristina Chamberlain, CNM, ARNP, IBCLC, University of San Diego (USDC) — Clinical Director & Lead Faculty, Lactation & Breastfeeding Medicine Expert, Department of Continuing Education

Anti-Racist Committee, UBC-Vancouver School of Nursing, Co-Chairs: Ranjit Kaur Dhari & Natalie Chambers, https://antiracism.nursing.ubc.ca/

SIMED Management Team for filming/creation of the video and VGS:

Charles Heffernan, Program Manager, SIMED Management, www.simed.ca
Brook Davison, Played Virtual Gaming Simulation (VGS) Character Named Priya
Paige Louter, Contributed High-Pitched Voice
Kylan Liu-Johnston, Contributed Low-Pitched Voice
Caris Tin, Student Research Associate for Dr. Campbell, Created interactive video (chapter 2) and VGS (chapter 3)

Editor / Lead Author

Suzanne Hetzel Campbell, PhD, FCNEI, RN, IBCLC, CCSNE

Co-Editors / Authors

Kymberley Bontinen, MSN, CHSE, CCSNE, RN

Lee-Anne Stephen, MN, RN



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© 2022 University of British Columbia. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY NC). Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale© (GITCS©) Interactive Text  – 1st Canadian Edition, 2022 by all authors. Download this book for free at https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/gitcs/

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Part of the content of this textbook contains material from one Open Educational Resources (OER). The OER adapted include:

Introduction to Communication in Nursing by Edited by Jennifer Lapum; Oona St-Amant; Michelle Hughes; and Joy Garmaise-Yee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


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Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale©-Interactive Text Copyright © 2022 by Suzanne Hetzel Campbell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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