
APPENDIX 2 . COL’s Blended Learning Design Template

Programme: …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Course title: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Course facilitator: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Course description: {Write a brief description of the course in about 200 words.} …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Learning objectives: The learners in this course are expected to be able to: {Using action verbs, provide a bulleted list of what the students will be able to do after going through this course.}


Course structure:

Course Structure by Unit Learning Outcomes Assessments:
F2F/Moodle- enabled
F2F/Moodle enabled
Learning Content: F2F/Moodle-enabled Facilitating Online
Self-created/  Web Resources

Supportive OER with TASL Attribution

Unit 1 LO 1

LO 2

LO 3

LO 4

FA 1 (LO 1)

FA 2 (LO 1)

SA 1 (LO1&2)

FA 3 LO 3

FA 4 LO 4


Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
  1. Learning outcomes: Statements that specify what learners will be able to do as a result of learning
  2. Assessments: Formative assessment (FA), Summative Assessment (SA), Peer Assessment or Self-assessment and Tools (MCQ, essay-type questions, project work, etc.)
  3. Learning activities: active learning, collaborative learning, constructive learning, social learning
  4. Learning content: Print – textbooks, downloadable PDF/PPT/Word documents; Multimedia-lecture videos, animations, images, YouTube/ Vimeo/Khan Academy videos, OER, etc.
  5. Facilitating online:

a) Create a course introductory video (about this course, learning outcomes, course outline, learning activities and assessments, grading policy, expected participation) and a unit introductory video, if required.

b) Share course handout/session plan/academic plan.

c) Send introductory email to students one week prior to course start date with pre-course preparatory activities.

d) Share your contact details and times, channels of communication and turnaround times for grading assignments and responding to students’ queries.

e) Provide contact details of technical support staff for troubleshooting login issues.

f) Create FAQ on how to access and navigate the course site and learning resources, and how to submit learning activities and assessments.

g) Send weekly email communication to students to wrap up a unit/topic and introduce the next unit/topic.

h) Engage learners in interaction with peers and faculty, either synchronous or asynchronous.

i) Provide learning support through discussion forums. Create forums for:

– introductions

– course announcements (to establish online course presence)

– posting general queries and seeking learning support (encourage students to provide peer support)

– posting learning reflections (encourage students to rate their peers’ reflections)

j) Engage learners in self-reflection, knowledge sharing and co-creation, recognizing learners’ contributions with badges.

k) Track student progress—course participation, completion of activities and assessments—and alert non-participants.

l) Create rubrics for maintaining transparency in garding.

m) Provide timely and constructive feedback/feed-forward to improve          learning.

n) Seek students’ feedback on course and self.

(Source: The first version of this template was prepared by Dr Indira Koneru.)


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Guide to Blended Learning Copyright © 2018 by Commonwealth of Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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