
Versioning History

How to use this page template:

Solicit feedback about your text by including contact details. Developing a survey form (e.g. Google Forms, Qualtrics, etc.) is one way you can incorporate a feedback mechanism for your text.

A challenge of open education resources is tracking versions. As open textbooks are open for adaption, changes are made gradually over time. Use the chart below to track when changes are made so that people can properly cite which version of the text they were using. Track substantial changes by adding 0.1 on the end of the version number, and transformative changes by adding 1.0 to the version number (resetting the decimal number to .0).

Optional: If you want to provide readers access to the older versions of the text, before you make changes export and download a PDF copy. You can provide links to download those versions on this page.

We are always seeking to improve our open textbooks. Please submit your suggestions, recommendations, and/or corrections at [URL].

This page lists major changes to this book with major changes marked with a 1.0 increase in the version number and minor changes marked with a 0.1 increase.

Version Date Change
1.0 [Publish date] Pressbook Created



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Aqueous Pathways (DRAFT) Copyright © by Bé Wassink and Amir M. Dehkoda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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