
How to Use This Book

How to use this page template:

A “how to use this book” is very helpful for readers to understand and be prepared for all of the supplementary content they are about to encounter. For example, the feature used in this template is this shaded textbox and we have explained how to use these textboxes below.


Whether you’re looking for ideas on how to organize your Pressbook, learning how to fill out the front and back matter of your Pressbook, or importing this book to get a headstart on creating content, we hope you find this template helpful.

Keep an eye out for these features:

Shaded text boxes provide information on what information belongs in each section and instructions on how to adapt that particular section for your own Pressbook.

[Replace text written in square brackets with the content suggested.]


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To the extent possible under law, Bé Wassink and Amir M. Dehkoda have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to How to Use This Book, except where otherwise noted.

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