
Module 1: Reflections and Actions

Your Next Steps  

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The reflections and actions suggested here will help you achieve the learning outcomes of this module. Take the time that you need to do your own thinking and work related to this module’s topics. We invite you to capture your thoughts in written form and/or speak to individuals or groups in your social and work circles about what you are learning.

Activity (Review)

  1. Review the notes within the section of Land Acknowledgement. Take the time to craft a short few sentences that best reflect your own personal land acknowledgement.
  2. Take the time to learn the correct names of the traditional territories you live on, including the names of the Nations and language groups.
    Suggestion: Visit Native-Land.ca and search for your address to discover the Indigenous lands that you are on. Or, browse through the map to see and learn about the relevant territories in a particular location where you may be working or about to work. Notice that some territories may overlap.
  3. Familiarise yourself with the 94 Calls to Action and the 46 articles outlined in UNDRIP. Reflect on how any of these practices can directly relate or inform your professional work and personal practice.

Personal Reflections (Reflection)

  1. Indigenous Peoples believe that all living things are connected and this interconnectedness guides their interaction with all living things in the environment. What does your connection with nature look like? Are there any ways in which you could deepen it? What can you gain from this perspective of interconnectedness with nature to support something in your work?
  2. Indigenous Peoples are strongly grounded in the belief that we need to learn from the past in order to inform the decisions we make in the present and future. How can you relate to this value in your own work and life? What actions have you (or your community or your organization) taken in the past that you can learn from to inform the way forward in your work? What steps will you take to steward the environment for this generation and for seven generations to come?
  3. Indigenous Peoples are complex groups and individuals who may share similar worldviews but have different cultures, customs, ceremonies and practices. Think about the families that you were born into. How are they similar or different from each other? Consider what mindset you will carry with you about the uniqueness of Indigenous peoples as you carry out your work.

 Next Steps (Action)  

  1. Read or re-read the TRC Calls to Action. Choose at least three Calls to Action that either relate to your discipline/work or your personal life. Talk with colleagues or family members and/or write a journal entry about the actions you will take related to those Calls to Action.
  2. Compile an ongoing list of resources and references that you can use to share with your own communities and family members as it pertains to Indigenous governance and leadership.
  3. Seek out additional learning opportunities, courses and or workshops taught by Indigenous scholars and teachers at Royal Roads.

Further Reading and Research


Joseph, Bob (2019). Indigenous Relations: Insights, Tips & Suggestions to Make Reconciliation a Reality. Winnipeg: Indigenous Relations Press.

King, Thomas (2012). The Inconvenient Indian: A Curious Account of Native People in North America: Toronto.:Anchor Press.

Vowel, Chelsea (2016). Indigenous Writes: A Guide to First Nations, Métis & Inuit Issues in Canada. Winnipeg: HighWater Press.

Articles and Reports

Assembly of First Nations National Climate Gathering Report (2020).


Assembly of First Nations. Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. November 2017.


Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Commission Reports

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs Indigenous Peoples site on climate change

Whose Land

The University of British Columbia. Indigenous Peoples: Language Guidelines

Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. Indigenous Peoples terminology guidelines for usage (text and video)

First Nations Education Steering Committee/First Nations Schools Association, BC First Nations Land, Title and Governance

Additional Links & Resources

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada: Indigenous peoples and communities

National Climate Gathering Report

NCTR: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Canada officially adopts UN declaration on rights of Indigenous Peoples

FAQ: Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act

Tourism Kamloops: Indigenous Experiences


Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

Government of Canada. Treaties and Agreements

Métis Settlements

Wikipedia. Co-management in Canada.

Voices on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Assembly of First Nations. National Chief Bulletin. December 3, 2020


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