
How do we exercise and promote self-care and community care?

This work is difficult work. As such, it’s important to create time and space for self-care, which is an important aspect of being able to support others. We encourage you to create and/or locate personal and professional spaces to talk through any difficult emotions that may surface when doing this work. However, as you talk about your own experiences, be mindful of not burdening your Indigenous colleagues or friends with your personal difficulties. Instead, finding a network of allies or other non-Indigenous folks with whom to work through your emotions may be helpful.

Within your classes,

  • Build in flexibility so people have the option to take breaks and to participate only if they are comfortable doing so.
  • Providing flexible deadlines and assessment options, being mindful of student workload, and listening to students’ concerns can be a way to support student wellbeing and safety.
  • Locate resources that might be helpful for yourself and/or students, and prioritize making these resources accessible to all.
  • Ensure that students know about and have access to information about UBC student resources (advising, counselling, student affinity groups, student health, the First Nations House of Learning, etc.).

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