
Appendix E: Half-lives for Several Radioactive Isotopes (Originally from OpenStax Chemistry)

Half-Lives for Several Radioactive Isotopes
Isotope Half-Life[1] Type of Emission[2] Isotope Half-Life[3] Type of Emission[4]
[latex]_6^{14}\text{C}[/latex] 5730 y [latex]({\beta}-)[/latex] [latex]_{83}^{210}\text{Bi}[/latex] 5.01 d [latex]({\beta}-)[/latex]
[latex]_7^{13}\text{N}[/latex] 9.97 m [latex]({\beta}+)[/latex] [latex]_{83}^{212}\text{Bi}[/latex] 60.55 m [latex]({\alpha}\;\text{or}\;{\beta}-)[/latex]
[latex]_9^{15}\text{F}[/latex] 4.1 × 10−22 s [latex](p)[/latex] [latex]_{84}^{210}\text{Po}[/latex] 138.4 d [latex]({\alpha})[/latex]
[latex]_{11}^{24}\text{Na}[/latex] 15.00 h [latex]({\beta}-)[/latex] [latex]_{84}^{212}\text{Po}[/latex] 3 × 10−7 s [latex]({\alpha})[/latex]

  1. y = years, d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, s = seconds
  2. E.C. = electron capture, S.F. = Spontaneous fission
  3. y = years, d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, s = seconds
  4. E.C. = electron capture, S.F. = Spontaneous fission


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