
Physics 1107 Curriculum Guidelines

This is the Physics 1107 Curriculum Guideline as of August 2018.

You can find it, and other courses, on the Douglas College web page at


COURSE INFORMATION: PHYS 1107   Transcript Title:Introductory General Physics I     Credit:5.0

Description: This is a non-calculus based course in mechanics. Topics include: vectors; particle kinematics and dynamics; work, energy and power; linear momentum; rotational motion; principles of equilibrium; oscillatory motion; waves; sound.

Course Details:  Method Of Instruction:Lecture, Lab, Partially Online

Contact Hours:4 hours lecture / 3 hours laboratory per week

Prerequisites:  B.C. Foundations of Math 12 (C or higher) or B.C. Pre-Calculus 12 (C or higher) or MATH 1105 and either Physics 11 (C or higher) or PHYS 1104
Courses for which this is prerequisite: PHYS 1207 OR PHYS 1208 or PHYS 1210


Learning OutcomesUpon completion of the course the student will be able to:

  • Identify the following mechanical quantities and their units: displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, mass, weight, friction, torque, work, translational kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, power, linear momentum, impulse, angular displacement, angular velocity, angular acceleration, moment of inertia, rotational kinetic energy, angular momentum, amplitude of motion, period of motion, frequency, spring potential energy, wavelength, wave intensity, intensity level.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the following concepts, procedures, and principles of mechanics through the solution of problems: vector addition/subtraction via components, average velocity and instantaneous velocity, average acceleration and instantaneous acceleration, uniformly accelerated motion, free-fall motion, Newton’s laws of motion, friction and coefficient of friction, conditions for equilibrium, work-energy theorem, conservation of mechanical energy, conservation of linear momentum, centripetal acceleration and force, rolling motion, conservation of angular momentum, Hooke’s law for springs, simple harmonic motion, wave parameters, superposition principle, resonance, intensity level versus intensity of sound, Doppler effect.
  • Perform laboratory experiments and analyze the data obtained using appropriate graphing techniques, scientific notation, significant figures, and experimental uncertainty consideration.
  • Write a laboratory report in a conventional format required of submissions to scientific journals.

Course Content 


  • Vector algebra
  • Velocity and acceleration
  • Uniformly accelerated motion in one dimension
  • Projectile motion
  • Newton’s laws of motion
  • Friction
  • Principles of equilibrium
  • Work and energy
  • Linear momentum and collisions
  • Circular motion kinematics
  • Centripetal force
  • Rotational dynamics

Properties of Matter & Waves

  • Hooke’s law
  • Simple harmonic motion
  • Mechanical wave characteristics
  • Standing waves
  • Sound wave intensity
  • Doppler effect

Laboratory Experiments

  • simple pendulum,
  • graphing straight line motion,
  • accelerated motion,
  • projectile motion,
  • friction,
  • orbital motion and centripetal force,
  • conservation of energy,
  • collisions and linear momentum,
  • static equilibrium,
  • moment of inertia,
  • Hooke’s law and simple harmonic motion,
  • standing waves.

Methods Of Instruction: Classroom time will be divided between the multimedia presentation and discussion of concepts in mechanics on the one hand and the application of these concepts in problem solving on the other. The laboratory program will involve weekly, three hour sessions during which students will perform a set number of experiments. This course involves some group work.

Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students: Douglas College, Physics 1107 Laboratory Experiments. (current edition)

Exact course materials will be selected by the instructor at the time of the course, but will be similar to Urone and Hinrichs, Open Stax, College Physics (current edition).

Means Of Assessment: The final grade in the course will be determined based on the following:

  1. final examination – minimum 30% / maximum of 40%
  2. at least one test administered during the semester – minimum 20% / maximum of 30%
  3. submitted laboratory reports – 20%
  4. quizzes and/or assignments (possibly online) – minimum 10% / maximum of 20%


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x-Douglas College Physics 1107 Fall 2019 Custom Textbook Copyright © August 22, 2016 by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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