H5P activities list
This book includes 84 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.
ID | Title | Activity type | Show/Hide |
1 | V question | Multiple Choice | |
2 | X question | Multiple Choice | |
3 | Practice concentration question | Multiple Choice | |
4 | PCR intro 1 | Multiple Choice | |
5 | PCR intro 2 | Multiple Choice | |
6 | Units question | Multiple Choice | |
7 | Basic Nucleic Acid Structure | Fill in the Blanks | |
8 | Complementary Base Pairing | Single Choice Set | |
9 | For each of the following statements choose true or false | Single Choice Set | |
10 | RNA isolation questions | Single Choice Set | |
11 | Gels and Spectrophotometer | Single Choice Set | |
12 | Polymerase questions | Single Choice Set | |
13 | RT and cDNA | Question Set | |
14 | Restriction enzyme quis | Question Set | |
15 | Calculation question | Fill in the Blanks | |
16 | PCR amplification process and product size | Fill in the Blanks | |
17 | PCR trouble shooting | Question Set | |
18 | Making a labeled probe- orientation of insert | Fill in the Blanks | |
19 | Vectors | Fill in the Blanks | |
20 | Plasmids and cloning questions 2 | Single Choice Set | |