
HTML Elements Repository
Quick Start Guide

Brightspace templates have a number of visually appealing, accessible, and useful elements to organize and present content. If using templates, it is recommended to make a repository to easily access the desired elements.


Creating a repository of HTML elements to copy from will save you time and effort when creating content in Brightspace. The following guide is a recommended method used by EdTech staff. Please adapt to best suit your workflow. To create an HTML elements repository:

1. Create an elements module
  1. Create a new module called “Templates”
2. Hide from users
  1. Select the Actions button beside the module title and select Hide from Users.
3. Create a new file
  1. Open the Upload / Create menu and select Create a File
4. Create elements pages
  1. Select 007_elements_v3 template.
  2. Add a title of “Elements” or similar.


5. Repeat for additional elements.
Create a page for images, accordions, and tabs template pages.

Copying from elements repository

Use the following guide for best practices and tips on copying elements in Brightspace.

Use caution when copying elements from your elements repository to your content. Selecting too much or too little and/or pasting over too much or too little can result in strange formatting. Click Undo on the Brightspace editor or press Control (Command on macOS) z to undo your most recent action.

Contact edtech@langara.ca for more information.


Quick Start Guides for EdTech Tools Copyright © by Briana Fraser; dianethompson; Julian Prior; Katherine Cheung; Susan Bonham; and Luke McKnight. All Rights Reserved.

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