Update Brightspace Templates
Quick Start Guide

Existing content in Brightspace can be updated to the newest and most full-featured templates in a few steps. The following guide will outline the correct steps to update unformatted HTML or content created with previous template versions to the most current templates.


Be aware, applying a template from the Select a Document Template menu to existing content will overwrite all content on that page. Brightspace will display a warning dialogue:

Click Cancel unless you are certain you want replace all content.


There three methods to update Brightspace content to the newest templates.

  1. Using the Source Code tool in the Brightspace Editor
  2. Copying content to pages with templates applied
  3. Using Paste Without Formatting/Paste and Match Style

Use Source Code

Copy Content

Paste Without Formatting

For more information on using templates in Brightspace, visit Brightspace HTML Templates mini course.

Key Takeaways

Use templates to create consistent, accessible, and well-designed pages. The templates provide numerous layout options, include a variety of elements to organize content, and do not require writing in HTML.

Be aware, applying a template from the Select a Document Template menu to existing content will overwrite all content on that page. Brightspace will display a warning dialogue, click Cancel unless you are certain you want to replace all your existing content.

Contact edtech@langara.ca for more information.


Quick Start Guides for EdTech Tools Copyright © by Briana Fraser; dianethompson; Julian Prior; Katherine Cheung; Susan Bonham; and Luke McKnight. All Rights Reserved.

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