Unit Physics Topics Physics Problems Language Features
1 Problem-solving Strategy 1.1 A Cold Run


Units and Scales of Language as a Meaning-making Resource
2 Motion Along a Straight Line 2.1 The Last-minute Submission

2.2 Red Light/Green Light

Defining, Describing, and Equating Entities
3 Motion in 2 & 3 Dimensions 3.1 The Hunter

3.2 The Basketball Shot

Material, Verbal, Mental and other Processes
4 Newton’s Laws of Motion 4.1 Moving a Log

4.2 Three Blocks

Representing Physical Entities, Abstractions & Concepts
5 Application of Newton’s Law 5.1 Trolley

5.2 Raindrops

Circumstances of Time, Place, Manner & Causality  
6 Work & Kinetic Energy 6.1 Two People Jumping

6.2 Spring & String

Logical Links and Sequences
7 Potential energy, Conservation of Energy 7.1 Trampoline

7.2 Mick & Rorty

Information Density
8 Linear Momentum & Collisions 8.1 Car Accident

8.2 Stacked Balls

9 Fixed Axis Rotation 9.1 Raising a Totem Pole

9.2 Cutting String

Message Departures & Destinations
10 Angular Momentum 10.1 Roll on the Ledge

10.2 Roll on the Truck

Negotiating Claims: Engagement
11 Static Equilibrium & Elasticity 11.1 Hangover Blocks

11.2 Block on Two Scales

Negotiating Claims: Attitude
12 Gravitation 12.1 Galactic Travel

12.2 Space Colonizer

Negotiating Claims: Graduation
13 Oscillations 13.1 Molecular Oscillation

13.2 Mud on Spring Mass

Fractals in Language
14 Fluid Mechanics

14.1 Floating Creature


Meaning Across Communicative Modes