Why Pressbooks?
Please feel free to log onto your computer and visit my catalog at Pressbooks https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/catalog/kirkeyj
This whole “presentation” is there – this is being done in Pressbooks
Why should YOU use Pressbooks?
- Pressbooks is a publishing platform.
- It looks great on the web.
- It looks great in print.
- It exports easily to a variety of formats including PDF, EPUB, Mobi, Kindle .[1]
- Open textbooks, or the more general OER or Open Educational Resources are books that are copyright free, normally available at low or no costs to students. Free and legal to share and modify.
- BCcampus[2] preferred[3] format https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/
- Based on WordPress[4], so already familiar to many people.