
Getting Started With Twine

The very first step is to find Twine online! Go to https://twinery.org/ This is where your Twine adventure begins, you have the option to download Twine to your computer but for today we are going to use it online. Once you are at Twinery.org click the blue text “Use it online” located in the Post-it note.

Twine Home Page

You are welcome to skip the tips as we will go through this together!

Skip Twine tutorial

To create a new Story click the green +New button, you will be prompted to give the Story a name.

+ New button in the menu on the left

Once you have filled in the name field click Create

Fill in the name field and click Create to create a new Twine Story

Twine games are made up of passages. You will be taken to the map for your new story. If you click on the untitled passage you will have the option to edit it or rename it. Click on the top row menu items to view more options. After you are done exploring click Rename to title the passage, I suggest calling the first passage “start.” Click OK.

Rename your passage window

When you click Edit you will see that your page has two main areas, the title and the content area of the passage. You will notice a rename button in the editor so you can rename the passage from this screen as well, remember the title is for you so title your passage something short but meaningful.

This is the new passage screen

To make your game all you need to know is how to make links between the passages. This is pretty easy, while you are editing a passage place double square brakets around text.

Add double square brackets around text to create a new passage

The text before the | is what the reader sees and the text after the | is the name of the passage you are linking to! Twine will create links to passages called leftdoor and rightdoor, which are easier to work with than the longer names.

Now you have a Story map!

This story map has three linked passages.

Now let’s add a passage to the leftdoor so we can describe the Left Room. Click on the leftroom and click Edit in the menu or double-click the passage to edit the leftroom passage. To link back to the entry or the rightdoor place double square brackets around text!

The passage of text in the leftdoor.

Now your story map looks more connected!

Two connections added to the story map

At this point it is important to note that Twine does not automatically hyperlink URLs so you need to use the HTML <a> element with the href attribute.

<a href="https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_links.asp">https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_links.asp</a>

This code will hyperlink a URL


You can also use the HTML `<`a`>` element with the href attribute to hyperlink to text.

<a href="https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_links.asp">Learn more about HTML links</a>

This code hyperlinks the text Learn more about HTML links

Learn more about HTML links

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Let's Play - Twine Copyright © by Jamie Drozda, Thompson River University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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