3 Tee on a Taper
- Draw a full elevation view of the fitting
- Add a profile to the tee and extend element lines into the taper. Extend the outside element lines (1 and 7) to the center of the taper. These will create 2 baselines for further development
- Where the outsides of the tee contacts the taper (points 1 and 7), swing arcs equal to the tapers radius at those points, using the center of the taper as the radius point
- From the same 2 points (1 and 7), create a half profile (90° quadrant) of the tee. This quarter circle will be on the same baseline (element lines 1 and 7) as the arcs swung in step 3
- Divide the half profiles into 3 equal parts
- From both points 1 and 7, extend element lines horizontally from the 3 divisions, into the arc of the taper and where they contact, project the vertically into the baselines
- Where these 3 element lines contact the baselines, connect them from 1 to 7. The outsides get connected, the middles gets connected and the insides get connected to create 3 new element lines on the taper. This gives us a correct view of the tapers shape
- Create the miter line of the tee by finding the cross points of the element lines from the tee and the taper. The standard over 1 down 1 pattern seen in parallel line stays true here.
- Draw the stretch out of the tee and divide into 12 equal spaces
- Starting from the seam location, transfer the element lines from the tee into the corresponding stretch out locations
- Use a flexible curve to draw in the miter line of the pattern