

Math for Trades Introduction: Video transcript

Welcome, everyone, to Math for Trades!

Isn’t math kind of like learning a new language? It has its own set of words, sentences, its own structure, and its own rules.

Well, in this Math for Trades: Volume 1, we’re going to start building all those. We’re gonna build the words. We’re going to take the words and build sentences. We’re going to find the rules, we’re going to create structure, and we’re going to do that in steps.

So, Chapter 1 you can kind of look at as the first step. It’s “Whole Numbers.” And then what we do is once we’ve gone through that, we take a step up to Chapter 2, to “Fractions.” Chapter 3, another step, “Decimals.” And then finally, Chapter 4, which is “Percent.”

Now, when you’re going through this book, there’s a few things you want to think about. One is, take your time but be efficient. Remember this is about you. What do you want out of this? If you find that you know whole numbers, and you don’t need to go through it? Perfect. Don’t go through it. But you might need a little extra help with fractions. Check out the fractions part, then. This is about you, and this is for you, so do whatever it is that works for you.

Follow the steps. Examples are laid out in steps. If you follow those, that’s the key. That’ll help you to get from step one to step four or step five and understand the process in between.

Think about the concepts and relationships. Everything in math is interrelated, so the more you understand concepts and the more you understand relationships, the easier it gets as you go along.

Watch the videos after you’ve tried the questions. This is the cool part of this book. You’ll see these everywhere in the book [shows a Math For Trades video icon] and what they are is video answers. So when we have practice questions for you, get your pen or pencil out, get your paper out, and give it a try. Think about what you’re doing or think about the process you’re going through in your mind as you try it. And then check out the answers. See how you did.

Also, study in an environment with no distractions. No phone, no TV, nothing like that. That would really help because you’ll be all in and that goes along with the next one.

Get all in for 20 to 30 minutes, 110%, and then take a break. This will probably help you retain more information and be more efficient with your study time. Okay? So 20 to 30 minutes.

And then there is one more thing, and this is the most important thing because if you don’t do this, it gets tougher and tougher. Have fun with this. Enjoy the process.


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Math for Trades Copyright © by Chad Flinn and Mark Overgaard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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