
Potable water – water that is safe for human consumption – is the basis for life. Safe and readily available water is important for public health, whether it is used for drinking, domestic use, or food production. A safe and reliable supply system ensures water is delivered to consumers in a potable state.

To help describe the different parts of a water supply system, the content in Block B is broken into 4 Competencies.

  • Competency B1 will describe the water supply system from the raw water source all the way to the curb stop. This part of the system will be referred to as the municipal water supply system.
  • Competency B2 will cover the water supply system downstream of the curb stop. The curb stop is generally where the plumber gets involved in the design, including sizing of the water service pipe, as well as the design, sizing, installation and maintenance of the building water supply system.
  • Competency B3 will describe the installation of irrigation systems
  • Competency B4 will describe alternative green water supply systems


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Block B: Water Services and Distribution Systems Copyright © by Industry Training Authority BC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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