
1 Construct Triangles – “Triangulation”

When the Three Lengths Are Known (3-4-5)

  1. Draw a line equal to one of the known lengths.The triangles sides are 6 inches, 3 inches, and 7.5 inches. Draw a line for 7.5 inches. One side of the line is point A, the other is point B.
  2. Set your compass to the second known length (6 inches) and swing an arc from one end of the line (point A).
  3. Set your compass to the third known length (3 inches) and swing an arc from the other end (point B) of the line, crossing the first arc.
  4. Complete the triangle by drawing two lines from the ends (points A and B) of the line to the cross point of the two arcs.


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Pattern Development: Sheet Metal Level 1 Copyright © by Brian Coey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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