
27 Off-Centre Round Taper

  1. Draw a full plan view complete with all element lines and labeling. Label one half of the plan view, go from large end to small end, zigzagging back and forth with the numbering 1-14. Remember, every round to round will be on centre one way, but it is always worth drawing the whole thing.
  2. Create a TLD and label all the element lines.
  3. Draw a vertical line equal to the true length of line 13-14.
  4. From the TLD, pick up the true length of line 13-12 and swing it from point 13 back towards point 14. Remember to work both sides at the same time.
  5. Next, pick up step-off 14-12, and swing it from point 14.
  6. Pick up line 12-11 from the TLD, and swing it from point 12.
  7. Pick up step-off 11-13, and swing it from point 13.
  8. Follow this same procedures, swing the true length of an element line and a step-off to create the next point until you reach point 1.
  9. Draw in the all the element lines and outside edges, use a flexible curve for the round ends.



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Pattern Development: Sheet Metal Level 1 Copyright © by Brian Coey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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