Lab Seven

Analyzing and understanding your data can be tricky, but is essential in coming to and providing conclusions for your results.

Learning Objectives

For this lab assignment, you will be working with your team members to:

  • Practice analysis with the pilot data gathered from last week
  • Interpret and report results


When we make conclusions about the results we have found, we can do so through descriptive and inferential results. Descriptive statistics summarize your dataset, while inferential statistics allow for you to assess whether your data is generalizable to the broader population.

Remember: Understanding what statistical significance and an effect size (Cohen’s d) mean are important in interpreting your results and discussing your findings with others.


  • If the analysis of your results show that you have reached statistical significance (a p-value of less than .05), this indicates that the statistic obtained is unlikely if the null hypothesis is true.
  • General rule of thumb for effect sizes:
    •  Small effect size: d=0.2
    • Medium effect size: d=0.5
    •  Large effect size: d=0.8



Choose the worksheet that best represents the design of your study:

Lab 7_Practice Analysis 2 Levels

Lab 7_Practice Analysis 2 x 2


Cassidy, S.A., Dimova, R., & Giguere, B., Spence, J.R., & Stanley, D.J. (2019). Failing grade: 89% of Introduction-to-Psychology textbooks that define or explain statistical significance do so incorrectly. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2(3), 233-239. doi: 10.1177/2515245919858072.

Walker, I. (2008). Null hypothesis testing and effect sizes. Statistics for Psychology: Making sense of our world through analysis.




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PSYO 270: Introduction to Research Methods and Design Copyright © by Anne Tseu and Derrick Wirtz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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