Welcome to your PSYO 270 Student Lab Manual

This Student Lab Manual outlines, in a step-by-step fashion, the complete process of your team research project. You will be given class time each week to meet as a team and to work on each stage of your research project. Each lab builds on the work completed in the prior lab. For example, it is necessary to complete Lab 1 before moving on to Lab 2. The due date for each team lab is indicated in the course outline. After submitting a lab (one per team, unless otherwise marked as an Individual Assignment), you will receive feedback on Canvas from one of the course co-instructors. Your team should use this feedback when completing the next lab. In other words, use the feedback from Lab 1 when completing Lab 2. Your co-instructor will help you throughout the term on your project. They are there to guide you and are happy to do so!


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PSYO 270: Introduction to Research Methods and Design Copyright © by Anne Tseu and Derrick Wirtz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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