Lab Assignments

General Instructions for Team/Lab Assignments

Class time every Thursday will be devoted to Lab time – for you to meet with your team and work on your project. With some organization and planning, it is possible for your team to complete a good portion of your project during class time. We suggest that you share your contact information with each other to help facilitate that.

Note: All of the LAB assignments related to your research project areĀ team assignments. Only one set of materials per team is needed.

This means thatĀ at the end of each class, one member of your team needs to upload the Team Lab Assignment for your team research project. While it can be the same person each week, it does not have to be. We recommend that each team member keep a copy for his/her/their records.

Please do not upload .pages files. If your co-instructor does not have a Mac, .pages files cannot be opened. We suggest using the free, open-source office suite of OpenOffice or LibraOffice. Microsoft Office files are also accepted.

Note: For your final draft of project materials and poster, you MUST provide a .pdf file. This preserves the formatting of the document.

For each assignment:

  1. List which team members were present, and which team members were absent.
  2. Name the assignment file you are uploading as “Team-xx_Lab-xx”
Pro-Tip: Your professor and co-instructors are here to assist you and guide you through the process and to help you succeed. There will also be project advisors who have taken PSYO 270, did well in the course, and are here to provide extra assistance. Ask us any questions or check in with us when you see fit.



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PSYO 270: Introduction to Research Methods and Design Copyright © by Anne Tseu and Derrick Wirtz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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