
Useful Definitions

Digital Learning

There are a range of terms—distance education, blended learning, online learning, e-learning, 21st Century learning, and web-based learning—acknowledging the ubiquitous drive to incorporate Web 2.0 technology with new pedagogical opportunities. To simplify the writing, the research-suggested and broad term, digital learning9 will be used when discussing any technology-infused learning.

Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)

SRL is a learning framework that outlines the cognitive and metacognitive processes that influence active participation in learning. First studied and modeled by educational researcher, Barry Zimmerman, it is a complex topic, connected with other variables such as motivation and emotions. It is the ability to control and regulate thoughts and actions to reach a goal.


A key component of SRL, the term metacognition—introduced by psychologist John H. Flavell—involves a self-awareness of the knowledge, experiences, and strategies of cognitive thought, and the regulation of cognitive action or cognitive processes both during and after an event.10 Simply put, it is mentally tracking what you are doing, why you are doing it, and how well it seems to be working.


A common term often used interchangeably with metacognition; reflection is the act of looking inward in order to review experiences. The OECD identify reflection as a strategy for engaging metacognition.11 It is a foundational skill for improving SRL.


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