
11 Discussion Questions

These questions are drawn from our experience using the four scenes and are intended to help you facilitate discussion. Some questions lend themselves more to particular groups (faculty members, graduate students, mixed groups). None are mandatory. The discussions are meant to be organic in nature, led by the participants and the issues they feel to be important. Your groups may focus on some of the questions below or may raise entirely different issues. If participants are engaging with the video, rest assured that their contributions are relevant!

Warm-up Questions

  • Did you find anything confusing or unclear in the scene?
  • Did a particular character, or line in the dialogue, resonate for you?

Research Overlap

Sandra is overwhelmed by how little she knows about Erika’s work and their different methodologies. This seems to be contributing to her slow response to Erika, which seems to be, in turn, contributing to Erika’s frustration and anxiety.

How might this vary across disciplines (e.g., in the humanities vs a STEM field)?

  • How much overlap between supervisor and graduate student topic or methodology is necessary (or ideal)?
  • In what ways could too little (or too much) overlap impact the relationship?
  • We often think of learning in supervisor relationships as unidirectional, but an alternative is to think of them as bidirectional. Could it be helpful for Sandra to approach this relationship as opportunity to learn more about a framework that she’s less familiar with?

Other Factors

Sandra and Erika are eventually able to find common ground in that they both use a social justice lens to approach their research despite using different methodologies.

  • Do you think this will be sufficient to enable a productive relationship?
  • What other factors, besides overlapping methodology or research topic, can contribute positively to a supervisory relationship? What about negatively?
  • Markus and Sandra have more strongly overlapping research methodologies and their relationship seems to be much more positive and supportive. Could there be other features of their relationship that contribute to its success?

Peer Relationships

Markus is happy with his supervisory relationship and is relaxing, watching The Office. Erika is working with the same supervisor but is experiencing anxiety and distress.

  • How helpful is Markus’ advice to Erika and how supportive does he seem?
  • How are peers and colleagues able to contribute positively or negatively to other’s wellbeing?
  • What factors contribute to Markus’ confidence or comfort in the academic program?
  • How could recognizing his own positionality enable Markus to better understand and support Erika’s situation?

External Relationships

Erika turns to a peer for support in this scenario, while Sandra discusses her situation with her partner, who is not a faculty member.

  • How can relationships outside of academia uniquely support faculty or graduate students in ways that relationships with peers may not be able to?

Imposter Syndrome

Both Sandra and Erika seem to be dealing with some degree of imposter syndrome. Erika mentions that perhaps she should have left academia after her Masters. Sandra expresses that she feels as if she doesn’t know what she’s doing.

  • What aspects of their respective situations might be contributing to Sandra and Erika’s experiences of imposter syndrome?
  • What could the institution or department do to pre-empt these feelings or support graduate students and faculty experiencing them?
  • If Erika had left academia, would you expect her to feel the same way in a non-academic setting?


It can be useful to consider this question from different points of view, e.g., advice from a peer vs another faculty or staff advisor.

  • What steps would you recommend to Erika to ensure her research project and relationship with Sandra is successful?
  • What advice would you offer to Sandra to ensure her supervision is supportive and successful?
  • Imagine yourself as a staff member whom Sandra or Erika approaches for help. What advice would you give them and how would you go about it?

Wrap up

  • If you could rewrite the ending to this scene, what would it look like and why?



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Rock the Boat 2nd Ed. Copyright © 2021 by Susan Cox; Michael Lee; and Matthew Smithdeal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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