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Survey questions

OER student survey Winter 2018

This questionnaire is being conducted as part of a project which is investigating how people think and use different types of open and online resources. You have been invited to take this survey because you use open textbooks in at least one college-level course.Your participation in this research project is entirely voluntary and you will not be penalized or adversely affected in any way should you decline to participate, withdraw from the study at any time (even after giving initial consent), refuse to answer particular questions, or refuse to participate in any portion of the study.All the answers you provide to the following questions will be held anonymously and securely. The individual answers you provide will not be shared or presented in any way that would reveal you as the source of that information.The survey should take around 20 minutes to complete. All questions are optional and you can stop at any time by closing your browser. By answering the survey questions below, you are granting us use of your anonymous data for research and dissemination purposes.This research project is being carried out by instructors at Douglas College. Your answers will help us build a picture of how people at Douglas College use online and open resources for learning and teaching. Our research data will help people at Douglas College, in BC and Canada, and ultimately around the world make more informed decisions about online and open teaching and learning.If you have questions regarding this study, the methods used in the study, or your treatment as a participant, please contact either of the two investigators (Dr. Jennifer Barker, email: barkerj1@douglascollege.ca or Jennifer Kirkey, email: kirkeyj@douglascollege.ca) and the Douglas College Research Board Chair (Dr. Edrie Sobstyl, phone: 604-777-6324, email: sobstyle@douglascollege.ca).Should any additional personal concerns arise during your completion of this questionnaire, you may also wish to access one or more of the support services available to all Douglas College students. If so, please see: http://www.douglascollege.ca/student-services  Minors under the age of 18 should not proceed until their parents have given them permission to complete this survey.Completion of the questions in the survey that follows indicates that you have read and understood the above consent and consent to participate in this research. By checking the “I agree” box below I am affirming that: I am either 18 years or older or that I have the permission of my parent or legal guardian to complete this survey.  I understand all the information stated above.  I have been given an opportunity to have all my questions and concerns answered fully.  I agree to participate in this study.


         I agree

Approximately how much have you spent on purchasing course textbooks during the last 12 months?  Please state your best estimate of the total amount spent in Canadian dollars.


In which of the following ways has the cost of textbooks influenced you?  Rather than purchase a required textbook, you have (select all that apply):

Bought used copies from the campus bookstore
Bought books from a source other than the campus bookstore
Bought a digital version of the textbook
Bought the digital textbook chapters needed for the course
Rented printed textbooks
Rented digital textbook
Used a reserved copy from the campus library
Used an inter-library loan
Shared books with classmates
Downloaded textbook from the internet
Sold used textbooks
The cost of textbooks hasn’t led me to attempt to reduce textbook costs (I’ve purchased them at regular cost)
Other (please specify):  ______________________

How often have you taken the following actions as a result of textbook costs?

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
Taken fewer courses
Not registered for a specific course
Dropped or withdrawn from a course
Earned a poor grade because I could not afford to buy the textbook
Not purchased the required textbook

Please think about all the textbooks you were required to purchase and you have used during the last 12 months.   Please rank them collectively using the following scale.

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
The textbook cost was justified

What do you think would be a fair price for the textbook you used in this course (regardless of what you actually paid), considering all the material included? (State the dollar amount)


If you originally purchased an e-textbook did you print it?

No, I did not print any part of my e-textbook
Yes, I printed the entire textbook all at once
Yes, I printed chapters or pages as needed
Not applicable as I either did not purchase any book or I purchased a print copy

How important to you are the following features of an open textbook specifically?

  Not important at all Of little importance Of average importance Very important Absolutely essential
Cost savings compared to traditional textbook
Immediate access
Convenience & portability of the digital format
Ability to print specific pages
Ability to keep it forever
Ability to share it with others

To what extent do you agree with the statement: “I would have preferred to purchase a traditional textbook for this course”?

Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree

Assume cost is not a factor. Which of the following textbook formats would you prefer?


If you prefer your textbooks in print format, please indicate the reason(s) for your lack of interest in using digital textbooks? (Check all that apply)

Digital textbooks are inconvenient to read.
I like to have a printed copy to write in and highlight.
I find it easier to understand what I am reading in a print copy of a textbook.
It is difficult to move to different pages/sections of a digital textbook.
Some digital textbooks are not compatible with my print disability solutions.
Some digital e-reader devices are not compatible with my print disability solutions.
I do not have access to the technology to take advantage of digital textbooks.
Other: (please specify)  ______________________

Overall, how would you rate the quality of your textbook?

Very poor
Below average
Above average

Are there any specific features that you like about your textbook?




Are there any specific features that you dislike about your textbook?




How often does your instructor encourage you to read your textbook?


When studying for an exam in this course, how much total time do you spend reviewing the lecture material?

Less than 2 hours
3-4 hours
5-6 hours
7-8 hours
More than 8 hours

When studying for an exam in this course, how much total time do you spend reviewing using the textbook?

Less than 2 hours
3-4 hours
5-6 hours
7-8 hours
More than 8 hours

What is your best estimate of the percentage overlap between the lecture content and the material in the textbook?


What is your best estimate of the percentage of exam questions that could be correctly answered using only the textbook?


What is your current age?

Under 20
Over 60
Prefer not to say

What is your gender?

Prefer not to say

Are you a member of an ethinic minority?

Pefer not to say

Is English your first language?

Prefer not to say.

Do you currently hold a student loan?


How many hours per week do you work at your place of employment (on average)?

I am not currently employed
Fewer than 5
More than 35
Prefer not to say

What is your average grade across all of your undergraduate courses?

Prefer not to say / Don’t know

What is your average weekly income?

Less than $100/week
$101 – $250/week
$251 – $500/week
$501 – $750/week
More than $750/week
Prefer not to say
Not applicable

How many courses are you taking this semester?

More than 5



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To the extent possible under law, Jennifer KIrkey has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Jennifer Kirkey - Pressbooks - Open Textbooks, except where otherwise noted.

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