Appendix A: How to Adopt Educational Technology
How to adopt educational technology
Web-based technology and social media are increasingly used by instructors in college courses. Examples include Google Docs, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. When requiring students to use these technologies, it is important to do so in ways that do not contravene privacy legislation (FIPPA). This law prohibits instructors from requiring that students’ personal information* be stored or accessed on servers outside of Canada. Use this tip sheet to safely adopt educational technology in your course.
Inform and provide options
Inform students in advance that the technology may store or access their data outside of Canada (e.g. in Course outline). Provide a reasonable way for students to avoid having their personal information stored or accessed outside of Canada (e.g., by using an alias, by completing an alternative form of the activity).
Privacy check—Am I safely adopting educational technology?
Step 1: Informed Consent Students
“More than just a signature” – CMPA; “is a process not an event” – CPSA
Depending on Level of Risk:
- Implicit (conversation, implied): low risk, such as any email address and no genuine personal information needed, instructor has control over what is uploaded and shared (real names, D.o.B, gender, photos, student IDs)
- explicit (clear oral or written consent): medium risk, such as institition’s email, some genuine personal information; limited control on sharing, storing of data in a closed network
- Written: high risk, such as genioned personal information, open networks, uncontrolled sharing of information
* Regardless of Level of Risk, best practices involves documentation.
Step 2: Provide Options
When privacy of personal information can not be guaranteed.
Allow students to complete assignments using an alias, this alias can be added to their profile in Moodle. [as an alternative name or as their Student ID that would show in the gradebook and is hidden from the class]
Provide an alternative activity for the student to complete.