
16 tRAT

The tRAT accounts for the other 50% of a student’s RAP score. Because of the interactive team nature of the tRAT, facilitation and logistics of this step takes planning and consideration.

Below are two potential methods of implementation:

Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IF-AT) Cards

IF-AT cards are scratch cards that correlate to the tRAT quiz questions and answers. As teams arrive at a consensual answer for each question, one person scratches the letter that corresponds to their answer.

A correct response will reveal a star, while an incorrect response will reveal a blank space, indicating that the team will need to discuss another response. Full points are awarded for the the correct response, while marks are incrementally deducted for each incorrect response.

IF-AT scratch cards can be ordered from Epstein Education.

Creating a tRAT with Adaptive Feedback using Moodle


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Selkirk College TBL Implementation Guide Copyright © 2021 by Chris Hillary is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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