

This implementation guide is intended for Selkirk College instructors who are considering adapting their course(s) to, or who have inherited a course that has already been adapted to the Team-Based Learning format. It takes into consideration the specific context of Selkirk College instructors and the tools readily available to do so. The implementation suggestions have been trialed in a TBL based class and have been selected for the flexibility to be adapted for both the in-person and remote delivery of a TBL course.

This guide will be most useful for:

  1. Instructors who are considering implementing elements of TBL in their classrooms, but have not yet taken any of the TBL workshops. This guide in its entirety will provide some of the underlying foundations and concepts, and guidance in the use of suggested tools for implementation. It is recommended that these instructors seek support from TLI and to attend the TBL workshops when able.
  2. Instructors who have inherited a course that has already been adapted to TBL and are seeking guidance in how to deliver it. It is recommended to use the guide in its entirety, but also to seek support from TLI and attend the TBL workshops when able.
  3. Instructors who have taken the TBL Fundamentals Workshop Series and are comfortable with the concepts and implementation of TBL, but are seeking guidance in the use of various tools and technology available to Selkirk College instructors. These readers may find the best use of their time by skipping to the section: Selkirk Implementation.

The Selkirk College TBL Implementation Guide can be downloaded as a digital PDF or imported as e-reader files to platforms such as Kindle or Kobo, however it is recommended to be viewed as the Pressbooks web book to access the interactive content and multimedia.

TBL is intellectual property and carries a trademark. This implementation guide does not claim ownership of the TBL format or seek to replace the TBL Fundamentals Workshop Series. This guide does not imply proficiency or qualification to implement the TBL format. The author of this guide has not received any compensation or recognition from the Team-Based Learning Collaborative (TBLC).


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Selkirk College TBL Implementation Guide Copyright © 2021 by Chris Hillary is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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