

The core content and organization of this book derives from the Openstax  Introduction to Sociology 3e, whose senior contributors are Tonja R. Conerly, Kathleen Holmes, and Asha Lal Tamang. I have also incorporated material from the BCCampus Introduction to Sociology – 2nd Canadian Edition, created by William Little, which is an adaptation of an earlier Openstax Introduction to Sociology textbook.

OpenStax College is a non-profit organization committed to improving student access to quality learning materials. Their free textbooks are developed and peer-reviewed by educators to ensure they are readable, accurate, and meet the scope and sequence requirements of modern college courses. OpenStax College is an initiative of Rice University and is made possible through the generous support of several philanthropic foundations.

While I cannot take full credit for this material, I do take full responsibility. I have changed a great deal in the process of adapting their work into a global edition, including rearranging where material appears, adjusting and adding the definitions that appear in the glossary, and including sociologists whose work I feel should be highlighted within the history of the discipline. All the work that has been included here (text and images) are open source, and as the changes have been too numerous to account for each adjustment, edit, and addition, this is very much a collaborative work.

I would also like to thank my students at Capilano University for assisting with this project. Some of the artwork here was produced as part of class projects (thank you to Danil Turkov and Kel Young for permission to use their work). I would also like to thank Callum Carmichael for his inspired observation that cultural capital operates a lot like experience points in a game.

Support for this textbook was provided by Capilano University’s Centre For Teaching Excellence in the form of an Open Education Grant, which provided me with the time to complete the first edition of this textbook.


Dr. Sean Ashley


Authors who have contributed to this text, whose work I gratefully build upon, include:

William Little, University of Victoria (Author of the Introduction to Sociology, 2nd Canadian edition)

Tonja R. Conerly, San Jacinto College (Senior contributing author of Introduction to Sociology, 3rd edition, OpenStax)

Kathleen Holmes, Northern Essex Community College (Senior contributing author of Introduction to Sociology, 3rd edition, OpenStax)

Asha Lal Tamang, Minneapolis Community and Technical College & North Hennepin Community College (Senior contributing author of Introduction to Sociology, 3rd edition, OpenStax)

Jennifer Hensley, Vincennes University

Jennifer L. Trost, University of St. Thomas

Pamela Alcasey, Central Texas College

Kate McGonigal, Fort Hays State University

Heather Griffiths, Fayetteville State University

Nathan Keirns, Zane State College

Eric Strayer, Hartnell College

Tommy Sadler, Union University

Susan Cody-Rydzewski, Georgia Perimeter College

Gail Scaramuzzo, Lackawanna College

Sally Vyain, Ivy Tech Community College

Jeff Bry, Minnesota State Community and Technical College at Moorhead

Faye Jones, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College



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Society: A Global Introduction, 2nd Edition Copyright © 2023 by Sean Ashley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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