Unit 3 Being an Online Instructor

B. At the End of the Course: Getting Them Out

Examples of instructor activities:

  • Final assignments are graded.
  • Final exams are graded.
  • Grades are submitted to Banner.
  • Consider sending a closing email or news item.
  • Grade exams and final assignments and provide feedback
  • Have a concluding remark and best wishes statement
  • Encourage students to share class experiences; for example, have a goodbye forum or live session.
  • Review student feedback to make revisions aimed at boosting participation next time
  • Review the statistics on your online Quizzes for questions that might need strengthening for the next time you teach the course


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Teaching Online at BCIT Copyright © 2024 by Bonnie Johnston is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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