Unit 3 Being an Online Instructor

B. At the Beginning of the Course: Getting Started

Examples of instructor activities:

  • Send a ‘Welcome to the course’ communication to the students by email, news, or discussion board. This message should be welcoming and set a tone.
  • Provide an activity, such as a discussion forum, for students to introduce themselves and to get to know each other.
  • Follow through with student management (who’s in, who’s out, follow up).
  • As needed, set up student groups for projects.
  • Send messages or set calendar or news items for things like times for group discussion forums, assignment due dates, exam dates and times.
  • Create a Getting Started/How to do this course module
  • Use News for information
  • Have your students post a greeting, introduction, goals, in a forum
  • Learn about your students using a survey in the Survey tool
  • Post a welcome message of yourself, text, picture, audio, video, to help them get a sense of you
  • Use the Calendar for upcoming scheduled sessions and assignment due dates
  • Get to know your learners by asking them specific questions in a survey or to send to you by email. Ask them about their background and context to help you tailor the course as feasible.


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Teaching Online at BCIT Copyright © 2024 by Bonnie Johnston is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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