Some of the materials were inspired by and draw from previous faculty development initiatives developed and delivered by the Learning and Teaching Centre[1] at BCIT. These initiatives include: Facilitating Online Discussions (2002-3), Skills Enhancement Facilitator Training (2004-5), Fostering Learning Online (2009 – 2016), and the Blended Learning Seminar (2015 – 2019).
I have also curated shared original materials from other sources and have cited them as appropriate as well as listed them below. I take responsibility for any errors, and please contact me (Bonnie_Johnston(at) in order to make the correction(s) .
- The image Cognitive Presence is by IU-Teach Online licensed under CC BY NC SA
- “The Cycle of Self-Regulated Learning”, . Adapted from under a CC BY Licence.
- “Modes of the learning spectrum” are quoted from the Canadian Digital Learning Research Association’s 2021 report, Evolving Definitions: released by Canadian Digital Learning Research Association/Association canadienne de recherche sur la formation en ligne (CDLRA/ACRFL) under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) License.
- “Learning through Direction Instruction” is summarized from Huitt, W.G., Monetti, D.M., & Hummel, J.H. (2009) ‘Direct Approach to Instruction’ in Riegeluth & Carr-Chellman, Instructional Design Theories & Models III. Pg.73-97
- “Learning through Discussion” is summarized and quoted from Gibbon, J.T. (2009) ‘Discussion Approaches to Instruction’, in Riegeluth & Carr-Chellman, Instructional Design Theories & Models III. Pg.99-116
- “The key to successful group work” is quoted from Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Ní Shé, C., Costello, E., (2021). #Openteach: Professional Development for Open Online Educators. Dublin: #Openteach Project. 10.5281/zenodo.4599620
- “Learning through Experiential Learning” is summarized and quoted from Lindsey, L. & Berger, N. (2009) ‘Experiential Approaches to Instruction’, in Riegeluth & Carr-Chellman, Instructional Design Theories & Models III. Pg.117-142
- “Feedback as an example of Teaching Presence” has been modified from Types of Presence: Teaching Presence an is offered under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
- “Planning Synchronous Configurations” adapted from Cleveland-MacInnes & Wilton (2018), Guide to Blended Learning, Commonwealth of Learning a CC BY SA license.
- “Using Video to Assess Student Attention in Virtual Class Meetings Infographic” created by Torrey Truse, Ph.D. Licensed un CC BY SA 4.0. Template designed by Rachelle Wooten, 2014.
- “From Session Open to Close” has been adapted from BCCampus’ “Facilitating Synchronous Sessions” and is shared under a CC-BY-NC licence.
- “Creating Effective Summaries” was adapted and modified from Facilitating Online: A course leader’s guide, Centre for Education Technology, University of Cape Town, which has been shared as CC-BY-NC-SA.
- “Other ways to keep students engaged” is adapted from Developing and Teaching Online Courses, Commonwealth of Learning 2014 and shared as Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.
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