

4.5 Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Model

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Model

Thomas and Kilmann’s model[1] for handling team conflict outlines five main approaches to managing team conflict (Competing, Accommodating, Compromising, Avoiding, and Collaborating), placed in a matrix of two scales: Assertiveness—the degree to which one tries to meet one’s own needs; and Cooperativeness—degree to which one tries to satisfy the needs of other team members (See illustration).

Each approach can have both positive and negative impacts:

  1. Competing:  highly assertive, but uncooperative behaviour, characterized by the urge to “win at all costs,” dominate, and engage in power struggles. This can result in animosity, but can also spur teammates to compete constructively, which can lead to interesting innovations if well managed.
  2. Accommodating:  highly cooperative, but unassertive behaviour. This may seem like a good way to avoid conflict, but it can also lead to self-silencing of good ideas in order to appease others, which may lead to feelings of resentment.
  3. Compromising:  this approach is the most moderate in both scales, and while it might seem constructive, it can lead to dissatisfaction and mediocre progress or results. Sometimes compromise is necessary, but often, the best solution comes from a single inspirational source.
  4. Avoiding:  being unassertive and uncooperative is generally the least effective way to deal conflict, as this simply avoids the problem and neglects the need for a solution. However, when a feasible solution to a problem seems impossible, sometimes ignoring it and focusing on what is good can be the best way to just get through it.
  5. Collaborating:  being highly assertive and cooperative is the best way to find solutions that benefit the whole team and build respect.

Review the five main approaches outlined in the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode model and then test your knowledge with the H5P interaction.

The final model we discuss is the Lencioni model on the next page.


  1. K. W. Thomas & R. H. Kilmann, “Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument,” Tuxedo NY: Xicom, 1974.


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