7 KETTI TLC Establishment

Female Instructor using technology in the classroom

By Zablon Osinde, Keroka Technical Training Institute

The conception of the idea on Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) at Keroka Technical Training Institute (KETTI) occurred when we joined the TVET-20 project phase two. During this period, VIU conducted capacity building of the KETTI team which was appointed to as champions. The training was facilitated by Dr. Kathleen Bortolin from VIU. Thereafter, for KETTI to establish a TLC and understand its role in the institution, the TLC champions from KETTI and KNP conducted a joint meeting at KNP for further understanding and visualizing how it should look like.  After, benchmarking at VIU and BCIT, as KETTI team we were able to draft a proposal on what KETTI TLC will entail.

Therefore, KETTITLC will be designed to run the following activities i.e. E-Learning & CBET curriculum development. At KETTI the establishment of the TLC is with the intent to improve quality in educational development by focusing on the preparation of trainers to deliver content, their working conditions in classrooms/lecture halls and departments and to gear their continuous professional development to ensure the best talent made available to shape a future generation.

TLC in this case will act as an umbrella scheme which will create synergy among the various ongoing initiatives on Trainer & Training or teacher & teaching within the institution. It will cut across through: –

  • Academic departments
  • CBET Training /CBET curriculum development
  • Research and innovation department
  • Pedagogical training


To be a transformational centre for learning experiences that engage and stimulate learners and educators in a mutual relationship of learning. We protect and nurture the development of the Institute culture that values learning as a lifelong process, educating as a calling in continuous development, and learners as diverse individuals deserving of utmost respect.


To provide support to the goals of KETTI through leadership, academic support and resources for the continuous advancement of evidence-based teaching and learning practices.

Functions of KETTI TLC

KETTI’s TLC will have a number of functions some of which includes to guide on development of assessment tools, designing courses, new teaching methods, digitizing teaching content, technical writing and designing better assignments and examinations as well as serving as hub for pedagogical innovation.

Features of TLC at KETTI

The following are the features of a TLC:

  • Offer a wide variety of workshops.
  • Departmental discussions.
  • Videotaping for teaching performance feedback.
  • Support for research on teaching and learning.
  • Development of assessment tools

According to Sorcinelli (2002), there are10 principles of good practice for developing and maintaining a TLC, predicated on her own experience in developing two centers. She explains, “these principles are not Ten Commandments; they are guidelines for getting started. They are not perfectly linear; rather they follow a loose progression, starting from before a center exists and moving to when a center is in place”.

The 10 principles of good community of practice (CoP) are:

  1. Build stakeholders by listening to all perspectives.
  2. Ensure effective program leadership and management.
  3. Emphasize departmental ownership.
  4. Cultivate administrative commitment.
  5. Develop guiding principles, clear goals, and assessment procedures.
  6. Strategically place the center within the organizational structure.
  7. Offer a range of opportunities, but lead with strengths.
  8. Encourage collegiality and community of practice.
  9. Create collaborative systems of support.
  10. Provide measures of recognition and rewards.




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Building a Teaching and Learning Centre in Kenya: A Guidebook for CBET Educators Copyright © by Caroline Masara; Zablon Osinde; Violet Atieno; John Gekonde; George Muga; Geoffrey Nyachiro; Ye Chen; and Kathleen Bortolin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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