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About BCcampus Open Education
1. 1.1 What is Tourism?
2. 1.2 Global Overview
3. 1.3 Canada Overview
4. 1.4 British Columbia Overview
5. 1.5 Impacts of Tourism
6. 1.5 Conclusion
7. 2.1 Air
8. 2.2 Rail
9. 2.3 Water
10. 2.4 Land
11. 2.5 Trends and Issues
12. 2.6 Conclusion
13. 3.1 Hotels
14. 3.2 Camping and RV Accommodation
15. 3.3 Operations
16. 3.4 Trends and Issues
17. 3.5 Accommodation in the Yukon
18. 3.6 Conclusion
19. 4.1 Food and Beverage Sector Performance
20. 4.2 Types of Food and Beverage Providers
21. 4.3 Types of Food and Beverage Customers
22. 4.4 Operations
23. 4.5 Trends and Issues
24. 4.6 Conclusion
25. 5.1 Overview
26. 5.2 Recreation and Adventure Tourism in BC
27. 5.3 Trends and Issues
28. 5.4 Conclusion
29. 6.1 Festivals and Events
30. 6.2 Meetings, Conventions, and Incentive Travel (MCIT)
31. 6.3 Attractions
32. 6.4 Trends and Issues
33. 6.5 Conclusion
34. 7.1 Components of Travel Services
35. 7.2 Travel Services in Canada and BC
36. 7.3 Tourism Services
37. 7.4 Trends and Issues
38. 7.5 Conclusion
39. 8.1 The Evolution of Marketing
40. 8.2 Differences Between Goods and Services
41. 8.3 Planning for Services Marketing
42. 8.4 Consumer Behaviour in Tourism and Hospitality
43. 8.5 Reaching the Consumer
44. 8.6 Bringing it All Together
45. 8.7 Trends and Issues
46. 8.8 Conclusion
47. 9.1 Customer Experience
48. 9.2 Communication Strategies
49. 9.3 Exceeding Expectations with Remarkable Service
50. 9.4 Loyalty and Customer Relationships
51. 9.5 Summary
52. 9.6 Conclusion
53. 10.1 Definitions and Environmental Stewardship Ideas
54. 10.2 Tourism and Climate Change
55. 10.3 Environmental Stewardship Theory in Tourism
56. 10.4 Environmental Management in BC
57. 10.5 Mitigating Tourism and Hospitality Impacts
58. 10.6 Conclusion
59. 11.2 Risk Management Process
60. 11.1 Overview
61. 11.3 Laws and Regulations
62. 11.4 Insurance
63. 11.5 Occupational Health and Safety in Tourism
64. 11.6 Conclusion
65. 12.1 Indigenous People in Canada
66. 12.2 Tourism, Colonialism, Indigenous Human Rights and Reconciliation
67. 12.3 Indigenous Tourism in Canada
68. 12.4 Indigenous Tourism in BC
69. 12.5 Indigenous Tourism in the Yukon
70. 12.6 Conclusion
71. 13.1 Career Planning
72. 13.2 Work Experience
73. 13.3 Integrating Planning with Education and Experience
74. 13.4 Tourism and Hospitality Success Stories
75. 13.5 Conclusion
76. 14.1 Globalization and the Tourism Industry
77. 14.2 Top Trends
78. 14.3 Conclusion: The View from British Columbia
2nd Edition Changes
About the Authors and Reviewers, 1st Edition
About the Adapting Authors, 2nd Edition
Yukon-Specific Content Addition Context
Versioning History