Book Title: UBC Library Pressbooks Template

Book Description: Import this book into your Pressbook to get templates for commonly used front and back matter pages such as Licensing Info, How to Use This Book, Acknowledgements, Glossary, and Versioning History. This book can also be used as an outline, demonstrating an effective way of structuring your Pressbook.
Book Information
Book Description
This Pressbook was created to be a template for creating commonly used front and back matter pages. Each page contains a short description of what the purpose of that page is and how to edit the contents for your own Pressbook. This also acts as a template for the organization and structure of your book, demonstrating how to use Pressbook Parts and Chapters to effectively break down the content into smaller pieces.
To the extent possible under law, Amanda Grey has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to UBC Library Pressbooks Template, except where otherwise noted.
Writing and editing guides