
Access Resource Centre

Website: http://www.unbc.ca/arc

The mandate of UNBC’s Access Resource Centre is to assist in reducing the physical, attitudinal and systemic barriers faced by students with disabilities. The Access Resource Centre is committed to providing access and reasonable accommodations for academically qualified persons so that, whenever possible, such persons may be included in all aspects of the University experience. Accommodations put in place by the Access Resource Centre are intended to maximize accessibility while maintaining the academic integrity of the courses, programs and activities at the University.

The provision of access for students with disabilities is a shared responsibility among students, faculty, staff and administration. The University, as a whole, is responsible for creating and maintaining a supportive environment for students with disabilities, while provision of services for students with disabilities will be coordinated through the Access Resource Centre. Please include an Accessibility Statement in your course outline to inform your students of the role of the Access Resource Centre and to indicate the shared responsibility of providing academic accommodations.

Our services are available to students with documented disabilities including but not limited to:

  • Chronic health issues
  • Hearing and visual impairments
  • Learning disabilities and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders
  • Mental health and neurological disabilities
  • Mobility and other physical disabilities
  • Temporary impairments related to significant illness or injury

Accommodations must be tailored to the access needs of each student and the specific situation, as the essence of fairly accommodating students with disabilities is individualization. There is no perfect formula for alleviating all the barriers confronting people with disabilities; however, considering each student’s disability-related needs as unique will assist in providing an atmosphere that is conducive to personal and educational growth. Please review our Information for Instructors webpage for more specific information regarding accommodating students with disabilities and for details on how to load exams onto the ARC exam portal.

If you have any concerns about accommodation agreements you are sent, please feel free to reach out to Jean Bowen, Access Coordinator, jean.bowen@unbc.ca. The Access Resource Center is here to support faculty in supporting the students as well as the students directly.


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