
Implementing Universal Design and Universal Design Learning

Author: Jean Bowen, Access Resource Coordinator (2023)

What are Universal Design for Instruction (UDI) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?

Universal Design of Instruction (UDI) is rooted in the concept of Universal Design (UD) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UD has been defined by North Carolina State University’s Centre for Universal Design as “the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design” (The Center for Universal Design, 1997). From this starting point, the designers at North Carolina developed seven principles of UD as underlying guidelines to apply to past, present and future design disciplines:

  1. Equitable use.
  2. Flexibility in use.
  3. Simple and intuitive use.
  4. Perceptible information.
  5. Tolerance for error.
  6. Low physical effort.
  7. Size and space for approach and use (The Center for Universal Design, 1997).

The concept of UDI incorporates these seven principles of UD as themes and standards within the realm of education and, more specifically, within the instructional approaches taken by educators (Burgstahler & Cory, 2008).


UDI and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) are similar concepts with similar goals – reducing barriers to learners of all types. UDL is well represented in this matrix UDL Guidelines.

Why are UDI and UDL Important?

As you may be aware, there are an increasing number of students with diverse backgrounds and needs who are considering or accessing post-secondary education. These learners potentially possess a large number of distinct characteristics:

  • Differently prepared students
  • Students with differing academic abilities and learning style preferences
  • Diverse living/family arrangements
  • Working students
  • Mature students
  • Students from varied cultural backgrounds including those whose first language is not English (ESL)
  • Students with visible and/or invisible disabilities (permanent and/or temporary)
  • Any combination of the above and so much more!

This link to UDL Guidelines has a great matrix with more details on UDL that can help guide design and motivate UDL for teachers and learners.

The Challenges of Teaching to a Diverse Classroom

The diversity in the students we are seeing in post-secondary is increasing and with it we need to change our instruction. As an instructor, it may be necessary to fill your tool kit with multi-modal teaching methods aimed at “capturing” the interests of all your students (increase engagement) as well as meeting them where they are and supporting to get them where they want/need to go.

The goal of UDI is to maximize the learning of students with a wide range of characteristics by applying UD principles to all aspects of instruction [e.g., delivery methods, physical spaces, information resources, technology, personal interactions, and assessments] (Burgstahler, 2007).

Remember engagement does not look the same in everyone.

How can you Implement UDI/UDL in the Classroom?

Build a class environment that is inclusive and culturally safe:

  • set clear expectations for class conduct and review them as the semester progresses
    • o model respectful behavior
      • students are more apt to be respectful if the behavior is mutually reciprocated
    • o agree to etiquette on appropriate language used within the classroom
    • o establish rules for class discussions such as time limits per question (one or two minutes) as well as the number of questions asked (one or two per student) so that all students have an opportunity to participate in class discussions
    • o require that cell-phones be turned off or set to silent mode during class time
    • o demonstrate your receptiveness to diversity
      • encourage students to be respectful of differing opinions, cultures and abilities
      • add an inclusive statement in your syllabus about your willingness to meet with students with disabilities (see suggestion below)

* Suggested UNBC course syllabus inclusion statement:

Access Resource Centre

The Access Resource Centre (ARC) provides services to students with documented health conditions and/or disabilities. The conditions can range from temporary to permanent and include but are not limited to:

  • chronic health issues (e.g., Crohn’s, Diabetes, HIV, Lupus)
  • hearing and visual impairments
  • learning disabilities
  • mental health challenges (e.g., anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, depression disorder)
  • neurological disabilities (e.g., ADHD/ADD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Epilepsy, Concussion, Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis)
  • mobility and other physical disabilities.

ARC staff are available, by appointment, to meet with you to determine which academic accommodations can be put in place to support you in achieving their academic goals, provide referrals, and help advocate for you. Students who may have a need for academic accommodation are encouraged to contact ARC:

  • Email at arc@unbc.ca,
  • Phone at 250-960-5682 (toll free 1-888-960-5682), or
  • Stop by 5-157.

More details are available at the Access Resource Centre website.

Be open, approachable and easily accessible to your students:

  • ensure you make yourself available for office hours and/or appointments
    • o students are likely to come to you for assistance if they know you are willing to make time to see them
    • o ensure your office is physically accessible to all students and if this is not possible, meet with students in a space that is (MACE, First Nation Centre, Library, etc)
  • encourage your students to come to you with questions
    • o students who see their instructors as interested and engaged will see the value in approaching them to clarify confusing or difficult course content

Make sure your classroom and learning materials are accessible to all students:

  • provide a physical space that all students can access
    • o ensure the room can accommodate a wheelchair and that the accessible table is in the appropriate space
    • o ensure the accessible desk in your classroom is where it should be
    • o use a microphone to amplify your voice if needed
      • students who are hard-of-hearing may request that you also wear an FM microphone so that they can hear what you are saying
    • o check that the chairs and desks are adequate size to fit all students
    • o PowerPoint slides and overheads should be visible from the back of the room
  • check course material for accessibility. Word and PDF editors have checks built in
    • o Word
    • o Foxit PDF Editor
    • o provide descriptive text for any images
  • provide learning materials in multiple formats when possible
    • o offer your syllabus in print and electronic copy to students
    • o be prepared to describe any visual elements of your lecture materials if they are relevant to essential course components – this step is essential to ensure that students with visual impairments or auditory learners have access to important content
    • o ensure you order all videos with closed or open captions for students who are deaf/hard of hearing or ESL students
    • o ask publishers if they provide electronic formats of your textbook for students who use screen readers to access printed materials; if they don’t, consider switching to a different textbook or publisher (ARC can help with this)
  • ensure your instructions are easily understood by all students
  • provide clear learning outcomes in your syllabus or an accompanying document
    • some students can quickly become overwhelmed by course outlines that are poorly organized or are too complicated to understand
  • o be sure to follow up on students’ understanding of course expectations throughout the semester
  • o a syllabus quiz on our Learning management system (Moodle) can help students engage with the syllabus and find the key components
  • o provide students with frequent and timely feedback regarding academic performance
    • some students will succeed better when assignments are broken up into smaller manageable tasks; supplying advice and comments at each stage of the project will help students to improve their assignment as well as assist in scaffolding your key learning objectives
  • provide a summary of your lecture to students prior to the start of each class
    • o this can be posting power point slides before class
    • o attending students will be able to supplement the key points with the additional information learned in class; as well as focus more effectively on the lecture instead of frantically trying to write down everything that they hear – remember students are ultimately responsible for making choices about going to class, hopefully, if they are engaged, attendance concerns will be a moot point

Be creative and flexible:

  • use a variety of instructional methods to encompass the diverse student abilities and learning styles within the classroom while being true to yourself
  • not every activity and assessment needs to have multiple modes
  • the multiple modes of engagement and assessment can be throughout the course
    • o use multi-modal means of representation, expression and engagement (Burgstahler & Cory, 2008)
      • use interactive classroom activities that allow for varying types of knowledge expression and engagement
      • provide concrete and real-world examples that are relative to your student audience
    • o allow for multiple assessment options
      • give students a choice between a paper or a presentation when possible
      • permit students to work in a group or on their own – this option is particularly important for students with certain disabilities that impact them in a group setting
      • allow alternatives options for class participation – let quieter students send discussion questions via email or Moodle – you can compile the list and answer them as a group in your next class without putting these students on the spot (this strategy is particularly useful for students who process information more slowly, for anxious students, ESL students or students who may have vocal impairments)
      • give plenty of time for exam completion –give students at least three times as long as it takes for you to complete the test
      • write tests that include a variety of assessment types such as multiple choice, definitions, short and long answers – weigh them equally


The provision of access and accommodation for students with disabilities is a shared responsibility among students, faculty, staff and administration. Instructors play a vital role in the accommodation process for students with disabilities at UNBC. The team at the ARC is responsible for the coordination and implementation of accommodations for students with disabilities. If you suspect a student would benefit from connecting with us, you can:

  • refer to the syllabus statement for what we do and how to contact us
  • remind the class that the Access Resource Centre is here to support students with disabilities (visible, invisible, physical, neurological, mental health, and more) and that they can reach out to us
  • invite us in to talk to the class
  • offer to walk a student to ARC

For additional information regarding universal design strategies within the classroom or questions about accommodating students with disabilities, please contact ARC staff:

Access Resource Centre

Room: 5-157

Email: arc@unbc.ca

Phone: (250) 960-5682 or 1-888-960-5682

Website: www.unbc.ca/arc



This document was summarized by Brenda Christensen (former Access Coordinator) with collaboration from Dave Barck (Access Assistant) and Susan Morash (Assess Office Assistant) and updated by Jean Bowen (current Access Coordinator).



Burgstahler, S. E. (2007). A checklist for inclusive teaching. Seattle, WA: University of Washington. Retrieved June 20, 2014, from http://www.washington.edu/doit/Brochures/Academics/equal_access_udi.html

Burgstahler, S.E., & Cory, R. C. (2008). Universal design in higher education: From principles to practice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.

CAST (2018). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.2. Retrieved from http://udlguidelines.cast.org

The Center for Universal Design (1997). The principles of universal design, version 2.0. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University. Retrieved June 20, 2014, from http://www.ncsu.edu/ncsu/design/cud/about_ud/udprinciplestext.htm


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