
Resources for Teaching Assistants

Author: UNBC  Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology

Books (available at the CTLT Library 10-3042): 

Border, Laura L.B. 2011. Mapping the Range of Graduate Student Professional Development. (Oklahoma: New Forums Press).

Gorsuch, Greta. 2012. Working Theories for Teaching Assistant Development. (Oklahoma: New Forums Press).

Lewis, Karron G. 1991. The TA Experience: Preparing for Multiple Roles. (Oklahoma: New Forums Press).

Lambert, Leo M. and Stacey Lane Tice. 1993. Preparing Graduate Students to Teach. (American Associate for Higher Education).

Marincovich, Michele, Jack Prostko and Frederic Stout. 1998. The Professional Development of Graduate Teaching Assistants. (Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Company).

Online Resources: 

BCIT Instructional Development Resources 

Additional resources can be found at: http://www.bcit.ca/idc/resources.shtml

Syracuse University: Critical Incidents in College Teaching (Videos)

Available at: http://www.syr.edu/gradschool/gsprograms/resources/CICT.html

UNBC Resources: 

Academic Resources

Other Resources

CTLT Teaching Assistant Certificate Program

Author: UNBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology 

Program Overview

The CTLT TA Certificate Program is hosted by Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) at UNBC. The program is open to graduate students engaged in various teaching activities at UNBC. This program institutionalizes current practices and acknowledges graduate student participation in our workshops. The key aim of this program is to help prepare students for future teaching opportunities.

The program is divided into three different tiers. At the end of each tier, participants receive a certificate of completion. The program is not mandatory and not for credit. There is no fee for the program.

The program will be retroactive up to two years to recognize the documented participation of graduate students who have been attending our workshops.

The total time required to complete the program is 60 hours; participants are free to complete these hours at their discretion. All attendance and records of completion will be done by the CTLT.


Tiers of Programming

Tier 1 Requirements:

  • 20 hours of workshops/professional development events hosted by the CTLT.
  • Required: CTLT Teaching Assistant Workshop (6 hours)
  • Required: UNBC Bullying and Harassment Training (2 hours)
  • Additional workshops can be selected from the Teaching and Learning Conference sessions, the Brown Bag Lunch Series, etc. (12 hours)
  • Write a reflective paper OR engage in a verbal debrief with Certificate Program facilitators about your experience in the program.

Tier 2 Requirements: 

  • Full attendance of the Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) (24 hours).
  • Write a reflective paper OR engage in a verbal debrief with Certificate Program facilitators about your experience in the program.

Tier 3 Requirements: 

  • Teaching Portfolio Workshop (6 hours).
  • Teaching Portfolio Preparation and Submission (10 hours)
  • One-on-one debrief and feedback session with Certificate Program facilitators.

For more information or to register please contact: ctlt@unbc.ca



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