
UNBC TA Union: CUPE 2278

UNBC TA Union: CUPE 2278

Author: Lisa Koetke (PhD Candidate, 2021)

All TAs at UNBC are members of the TA Union CUPE 2278. This Union represents TAs at UNBC (Component 3) as well as TAs and markers at the University of British Columbia (Component 1), and English instructors at UBC (Component 2). You can learn more about the Union at cupe227.ca.

The working conditions of CUPE 2278 members are regulated through a Collective Agreement, negotiated between the Union and the Universities’ Administration and Human Resources. A cope of our collective agreement, as well as a quick guide to the collective agreement, can be found at https://www2.unbc.ca/career-opportunities/current-graduate-teaching-assistantship-postings

What the union does

  • Bargaining: CUPE 2278 uses collective bargaining as a method to negotiate a labour contract for members with UNBC and UBC. By employees bargaining together, we gain more influence over our wages, hours, and various aspects of working conditions.
  • Grievances: A grievance is a formal step taken by a union on behalf of a member to address a situation in which one of more of their rights under the collective agreement has been violated. If you have a problem with your TAship, please contact your department representative and/or Union as soon as possible so that we can help you.
  • Lobbying: The Union occasionally will lobby executive levels of CUPE BC and CUPE National, the Canadian Labour Congress, local and national politicians, and others regarding projects that are of vital concern to members.

How to receive information from and contact the Union

  • Component 3 (the UNBC component of the Union) sends out occasional emails with useful information and resources. If you are not receiving these emails, please check your spam folder or your “other” inbox.
  • You can also find useful information from the union by following use on social media
    • o Facebook: UNBC CUPE 2278 – Grad TA Union
    • o Instagram and Twitter: @unbccupe2278
  • For more inquiries, please contact the Union at advocate@cupe2278.ca
  • To contact the CUPE 2278 President, email president@cupe2278.ca
  • To contact the CUPE 2278 Chair at UNBC, email unbc@cupe2278.ca
  • To contact your department representative at UNBC, please find their contact information in emails from Component 3 of the Union or on social media (see above).


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