
Welcome from the CTLT

Welcome from the CTLT

Thank you for accepting a teaching assistant position at UNBC. Your role is vital to supporting our students learning in your labs, classes and tutorials. You are often the first point of contact for students and shape their experiences at UNBC.  You also consolidate your knowledge as you explain concepts, grade answers, and share your own learning experience.  We value your input and thus provide training, support and ongoing professional development opportunities for you.

The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) is the place for professional development. The initial training, and voluntary three tier TA certificate is offered via CTLT. These can be added you your resume.  Each program has a faculty member Instructional Designer (ID) from CTLT to aid with course design and instructional technology needs.  The IDs have created the Instructor’s Guide to Teaching with Technology, and the Student Guide to Learning with Tech and can answer questions or aid with issues. Any of the workshops hosted by CTLT or recorded sessions are available to you. The CTLT website has all these resources for you. Please contact the CTLT if there is anything we can help you with regarding teaching and teaching tools at ctlt@unbc.ca.

Wishing you all the best in your studies and teaching role at UNBC!


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UNBC Teaching Assistant Manual Copyright © by UNBC Centre for Teaching, Learning & Technology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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