

Blocking and Low Contact

  • A player shall be penalized for unnecessary physical contact, including but not limited to, running into, diving into, cut blocking or throwing their body on a player who is: out of the play, or should not have reasonably anticipated such contact by an opponent, before or after the ball is dead
  • Crack Back Blocking: No crack back blocking below the waist
  • Cut Blocking: Canadian Amateur Rules apply, inside box only, tackle to tackle, initiated above the knees within one (1) yard from either side of line of scrimmage
  • Low Contact: There shall be no contact at or below the knees on any player, except when tackling the ball carrier
  • High Contact: is a forcible hit above the shoulders; this will be penalized as a personal foul


Major Penalty

Any players receiving any Major Penalty (Personal Foul, Unsportsmanlike Conduct etc.) that will be recorded on the Game Commissioners Sheet will require that player being held out for two plays.



  • Any coach receiving 2 penalties for any combination of either objectionable conduct or personal foul in one game will also receive an automatic game ejection
  • Any ejected coach must leave the park/stadium. Failure to do so can result in forfeiture of the game
  • Any coach ejected from a game for any reason will also receive a one game suspension to be served on the next schedule game (excluding Bye games) following the game he/she has been ejected from. Failure to do so can result in forfeiture of the game
  • Any coach serving a game suspension is NOT allowed contact with the team on the date of the game the suspension is being served



  • Any player receiving 2 penalties for any combination of either objectionable conduct or personal foul in one game will also receive an automatic game ejection
  • Any ejected player must leave the player’s side of the field. Failure to do so can result in forfeiture of the game
  • Any player receiving 2 game ejections for any reason will also receive a one game suspension to be served on the next schedule game (excluding Bye games) following the game he/she has been ejected from
  • Any player serving a game suspension is NOT allowed contact with the team on the date of the game the suspension is being served. Failure to do so can result in forfeiture of the game


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