
VICFA Administration

Votes and Meetings


If an Association President is unable to attend a Presidents’ meeting, the Association President must provide in writing to the VICFA secretary the name of the person who may vote in place of the President, if unable to attend due to illness, work, or holidays. All information will only be sent to the Association Presidents and it will be up to each Association President to communicate with their designate.

Full Associate members will be assessed a charge of $250.00 if 2 meetings are missed.

Each Association has one vote at all meetings of the Association Presidents (unless otherwise required or permitted pursuant to the Society Act or the constitution, bylaws of the VICFA, as the case may be).

Each Executive member has one vote. If an association president holds a position on the Executive they only hold one vote unless they have a representative to vote as a member of their association.

If an Executive/Board members identifies an issue of concern it is to be brought to the other executive/board members and a decision made if it needs to go to the discipline panel.

An Association will not have a vote at any meeting of the VICFA unless and until that Association is in good standing with VICFA. This applies to the VICFA’s Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) or at any meeting of the Associations called by the VICFA.

Any team withdrawn by an Association after the declaration date, for spring and fall as determined by VICFA, will result in a $500.00 fine per instance assessed to and payable by the team’s Association to the VICFA.

All Associations hosting or attending any tournaments must first obtain approval and sanctioning by the VICFA so that the VICFA has a list of teams participating in the tournament or attending.


VICFA Rule Book Copyright © by VICFA. All Rights Reserved.

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