
22 Review Special Reports and Documentation

Vision records

Review the student’s ophthalmologist or optometrist report completed within the last year if possible. It is best to review this yourself rather than rely on indirect reports from others. If any information in the report is unclear to you, consult with the student’s Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI). If a low vision exam has been conducted, review recommendations for low vision devices and accommodations.

See the chapter on Visual Conditions for a reminder of aspects of visual impairment and lists of specific eye conditions and their potential educational impacts. Check records for the onset and prognosis of the visual condition. Do the records indicate if the student’s vision is stable, fluctuating, improving, or deteriorating? How have they responded to any medical treatments or recommended devices? Are there any recommendations to prevent further vision loss? For example, some students may have cautions or restrictions to physical activities due to retina detachment precautions.

Functional vision and learning media needs

Review the student’s Functional Vision Assessment (FVA) and Learning Media Assessment (LMA). These assessments will help you understand what supports will be needed in your evaluation. The FVA will document what the child can see and how they use their vision across various settings, including what supports they use (e.g., technology, enlargement, and postural supports). The LMA will outline how the student accesses the curriculum (e.g., large print, braille, auditory, pictures, tactile graphics, and objects). For your assessment, it is essential to understand the student’s visual abilities using both eyes, with correction (i.e., glasses), for doing near-based work. In addition to the student’s visual acuity, you will need other information about their vision, including:

  • Field loss
  • Color vision
  • Contrast sensitivity
  • Sensitivity to visual clutter
  • Visual attention/focus
  • Visual fatigue
  • Light sensitivity
  • Tracking ability
For more information on Functional Vision Assessments, please see the fact sheet from the Colorado Department of Education (Toper, 2023).
For more on Learning Media Assessments, Paths to Literacy has an excellent overview of the purpose and scope of the LMA (Cushman, n.d.).


Cushman, C. (n.d.). Overview of learning media assessment. Paths to Literacy. https://www.pathstoliteracy.org/overview-learning-media-assessment/

Toper, I. L. (2023). Deafblind fact sheet: Functional Vision assessment. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdesped/sd-db_factsheetwp_functionalvisionassessment


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Psycho-educational Assessments of Blind and Low Vision Children Copyright © 2024 by Jennifer Engle; May Nguyen; and Adam Wilton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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